Chapter 14

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(Dallons POV)

When he texted me asking for help, I panicked. I didn't know if I should call the cops or not. So I called Patrick. "He.. I don't know he's not answering me, can you guys drive down the Main Streets and I'll check the back ones?" I say while grabbing my keys, my phone pressed to my ear. "Yes of course, I'll text you if we find him okay? Don't overthink that's the worst thing you could do, hope for the best. That's all we can do." Patrick says and even now his words of encouragement didn't make me feel any better.

"Thank you so much, 'Trick." I say closing the door behind me. "No problem, see you in a bit." He says and we hang up. Naturally, I went to the parking lots of bars and clubs he usually went to. I automatically had assumed he was drunk and got messed up again or someone attacked him because he was too wild.

You'd think me not seeing him in the parking lots would relieve me, but it sent me into more of a panic. He needed me and I couldn't find him. "Brendon!?" I call out, stepping in an alleyway. I look around but it was quite dark. I quickly leave to avoid being cornered, that's the last thing I need. A guy wearing all black, runs past me, bumping shoulders with me harshly. "Sir? Excuse me I need your help." I say and the guy turns to me. It was that guy who beat Brendon up that night. When he sees me, he smirks.

"You're the other fag right?" He says and the look in his eyes, it gave me chills. He had something to do with Brendon missing. He had to. He had this sick look on his face. "Where is he?" I ask clenching my fists. He just laughs, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jacket. "Fucking tell me." I say and he shrugs. "In hell. Where he belongs." He says and then turns and walks away. That didn't sit right with me. What did he mean by that? My phone buzzes in my pocket and I hurriedly pull it out.

Patrick: we found him, we're a little down the ways from the coffee shop, hurry

Dallon: I'll be there in 5

I hurriedly get in my car, starting it up. I basically sped to where Patrick said they were. As I was parking I noticed Brendon was lying on the ground, Pete kneeling besides him. Patrick was pacing up and down the sidewalk, his phone pressed to his ear. Oh no. I hurriedly get out, and basically run over. Brendon was bleeding, oh god he was bleeding so much. Pete was holding on of his hands, his other hand pressing a jacket to Brendon's stomach."Brendon oh my god!" I yell, fear taking over my body. "Da-dallon?" Brendon says and he starts to look around frantically. I hurriedly walk over and kneel beside him. He looks up at me, his eyes red and puffy, tears streaming down his cheeks. My heart broke just seeing how much pain he was in.

"What happened?" I ask, tears glazing my eyes as I look at his torso. Blood pooled the sidewalk, and I look away, my stomach churning. "He.. the guy.. stabbed.. gay, not supposed be here." Brendon says, but he couldn't seem to form a full sentence. I only picked up bits and pieces. "Are you able to stand? Move?" I ask. He needed to get to a hospital before he dies. He's already lost so much blood. The thought of me losing him only made me panic more, and tears started to stream down my cheeks."It hurts." He says his voice straining.

I put my hand behind his head, and start to run my fingers through his hair.  "They said to just keep him laying down and keep pressure on the wound since we don't know how severe it is. The ambulance is almost here." Patrick says. His eyes started to flutter, as if he was struggling to keep them open and "Brendon, stay with us. Don't close your eyes." Pete says and I look at him. He was crying too. Brendon just stared up at the sky not saying anything.

I needed to say something though. I had to. "They're almost here, baby stay strong okay?" I say and he looks over at me. He reaches his hand up, and grabs my face and I let him. He brings my head down and kisses me. I immediately kiss back, and we pull away shortly after. I started to cry more thinking that could be the last kiss I share with him. That pained me deeply and I wanted to save him. I couldn't though, I had to sit here and wait for a fucking ambulance to arrive. What's taking so long!?

His eyes were fluttering even more and he closes his eyes and my heart stopped for a spilt second.  He mumbles something that I can't hear and I almost sigh with relief. "Brendon, stay with us okay? Open your eyes." I say, and when he doesn't, I begin to panic more. "Brendon, Brendon c'mon buddy." Pete says and I let a sob escape my lips, gripping his hand. He didn't squeeze back. "Brendon please I'm begging you, don't leave me, don't go." I say. For some reason I expected him to jump up and laugh, a bright smile on his face. "I got you guys so good!" He'd say and we'd be pissed at him for such a cruel joke and then go home and move on.

But he didn't. His cold hand remained limp in mine, and his eyes didn't open. The smile that I desperately wanted to see, it didn't come onto his face. "I need you, please.." I say my voice cracking, and the tears began to feel like waterfalls drifting down my face. I could hear the sirens in the distance and I press my ear to his chest. Nothing.

"Brendon, oh god no please don't, don't leave me. I need you. You're my best friend don't do this please." I sob, gripping onto him. Heavy sobs racked through my body, and I couldn't hold it back. I didn't wanna hold it back. "D-dallon, He.. calm down." Patrick says, he too was clearly crying but I ignore him. I couldn't. "We were gonna be so happy. Brendon I want us to be happy please just, don't go. Stay with me please, I'm begging you don't leave me. I need you.." I sob, pressing my face into his neck. He felt cold.

"Don't die. Please just, no. Don't please don't, don't go. I can't let you. We.. we promised." I say, and I see Pete stand up, and pull Patrick into a hug. They were both crying. "You, you promised. We promised. W-we made a promise, Bren. Remember? I'll stay al-alive and you d-do too." I gripped his shirt tighter, the sound of sirens becoming more loud. "Please re-remember. Don't.. you can't, please. Brendon don't die." I beg.

"I-I love you, Brendon. God I fucking love you so much. Do-don't do this please. Stay with m-me." I say, my body shaking from how loud I was sobbing. "D-don't break our promise. Don't die. Please stay. Don't leave me. I don't wa-wan-want you to go. Bren, don't go away. Please don't." I say, as if he was gonna answer. "Come back please." I sob and suddenly I'm pulled off of him, and I scream. "No, don't please don't! I need him! don't leave Brendon!" I sob, I was shaking from how hard I was crying. I watch as paramedics put him on a gurney, and start to scream orders at each other. I blocked them out, and stared at Brendon.

They hurried him into the ambulance. I hurriedly stand up to follow and one of them stops me. "Sir you need to calm down okay? Let us do our job." He says and I just stare at him. "Don't let him die.." I say softly. He gives me a sympathetic look and turns away. "We're trying to help him." Is all he says. That made me break down all over again. The ambulance pulled away, and I fell to my knees. "Fuck!" I scream. The pain in my chest was so unbearable. It hurt so much, and I wanted it to go away and I knew it wouldn't.

The only thing that could make it go away is Brendon. So if he's dead, it'll never go away. I can't do this without him. I need him. "D-Dal." I hear Patrick say. I look up at him and he places a hand on my shoulder. "Le-let's go home, okay?" He says and I watch as tears streamed down his face. "N-no we gotta, we gotta go see him." I say, attempting to wipe away my tears but they were only replaced. "They-they'll just send us home. Right- right first th-thing tomorrow okay? We'll s..see him tomorrow. Al-all three of, of us." He says. "P-promise?" I asks and he nods.

"I-I swear." He says and turns to wipe at his cheeks but it was no use. I look at Pete, but his back was facing us. I can hear him whimpering, his back moving up and down at a fast pace. "Pe-Pete And I will stay.. we'll stay with you tonight o-okay?" He says, and he helps me get up. On the sidewalk I see Brendons phone, and I hurry over and grab it, shoving it into my pocket. Patrick drives us to the house, which probably wasn't the best idea as he was sobbing, but I didn't say anything. All of us were.

Right when I saw the house, I broke down again. The house I shared with him. My best friend, and potential boyfriend. I wanted to spend my life with him. A sob escapes my lips and I can't bring myself to step onto the porch. I shakily reach into my pocket, pulling out my keys and handing them to Patrick. I was shaking so badly. I choke on a sob and hunch over coughing.

Suddenly I'm pulled into a hug, and I automatically knew it was Pete. I hug back, because all of us needed comfort. He was sobbing too, shaking heavily everytime he took in a breath. I rub his back with a shaky and in an attempt to say it's okay. Even though I, myself knew it wasn't okay.

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