Special Story: My Valentine's Day (Not Part of the Story)

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Exactly 5:05 in the morning I woke up and started to prepare before going to school.

5:45 am I take a ride on a jeepney and I can see among the passengers they all wearing earphones listening to whatever song.

6:29 I've reached my destination and after I go down the jeepney I crossed the road. I can see few people walking around and wearing a sad face. I take a long walk to exercise myself, and I saw some stalls selling flowers and everything that has a connection to Valentine's but I notice no one are buying. I guess it was too early.

I was walking at the corridors of our school under a cold, gloomy, and dark weather. I can see and feel that looks like a normal day with normal classes and nothing is special but Ash Wednesday.

I entered the room and I saw my lonely classmate as usual. I seat beside him for that is our seating arrangement. I wear my headphones and started playing my heart break playlist from spotify. After a few minutes one of my classmate entered while holding a ukulele.

After that few minutes interval a couple entered. They are so sweet and I see that in their smiles.

After few moments, another classmate of ours entered and greeted Happy Valentine's to the couple and they returned that to him but someone entered to their conversation and asked 'What is Valentines?'(bitter 😐)

After minutes passed by some of my classmates are starting to come.

One of my classmate at the same time my friend saw me with a sad face and asked me if I'm okay, well I've just nodded as a sign of yes.

After more than a minute one of my boy classmate entered with paper bag from Blue Magic I guess it contains stuffed toy and it is for his girlfriend.

To remove a my sad ambience and emotion I played a happy song from Disney Love is an Open Door from Frozen. As I am listening I've smiled and make large smile like a smile that can reach heavens.

9:20 I was standing at the open field of our school while waiting for our names to be called the cold wind breeze touches my skin and I can feel how cold my Valentine's is.

The cold breeze keeps on blowing and I'm shivering in coldness and sadness fills my heart. Heartache+no Valentine+seeing other happy with their couple+cold breeze= being bitter for the whole day of Feb. 14.

I think even if I wear my jacket it wouldn't make me feel warm for the coldness is rested upon my heart. (Maybe that is the reason why I'm bitter ever since I was a high school student.)

10:19 We attended a mass for the Ash Wednesday. We find a seat and while waiting for the mass to start I noticed some of people carrying a bouquet of flower and some have some cakes, stuffed toys and chocolates. Well I felt envy for they are so happy at this day.

Last year(?) I tried to give some stuffed toy to my crush but I don't felt happiness but shyness. Maybe that is what the Valentine's is; the only day of the whole year where the lovers are free to show themselves to others that they are in a relationship or the day where they can effort to their loved ones beside at their monthsaries, anniversaries and any -sarries.

3:30 Our classes were dismissed and we took a jeepney ride(again 😂)

I saw a mother carrying a bouquet of roses with her husband and her daughter. They look so happy but not me. (Awww 😭😭😭)

But the after a lonely and exhausting day of being lonely there is something that made me smile, a smile that made my day. The smile of my crush. And the greatest gift I have received this Valentine's is the name of my crush(finally after how many months now I know it hahahaha 😍😍😍)

That ends my Valentine's Day; lonely at the same time blissful.

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