Chapter 4

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Even though Anton was sharper than him intellectually, he was able to work in the government. Randy came from a family of lawyers. Because of the concept of kleptocracy, an employment in the government is the dream job of everyone.

Randy initially worked as a private criminal lawyer. However, his first experience in the court was not so good. He came across with a veteran lawyer. His lack of practical know-how about his profession made him looked like a little silenced loser against the flair of his very knowledgeable counterpart. Because of this, he never returned to work again as a private criminal lawyer. He demanded to be an employee of his father in the government. He felt safe working in the government because he can be protected by the power of his family. Anton is a close friend of their family and his father could not stop comparing Anton to his son. Being born in a family of lawyers, he wanted that his son, Randy, would be the best Law student. In spite of all the motivation, positive and negative, Randy could not beat Anton. For this, Randy developed envy to Anton. He still considered Anton as his best friend but every time Anton achieves something he could not, he becomes a green-eyed monster. He has the potential to be a wealthy and influential person due to his work as a government lawyer; however, he chose to be a low-profile person. He did not work too hard because he knew that his loved ones won’t benefit from his wealth when he died.

Governor Rukmini’s illness impaired him to perform his very important work. The Asian leaders held a summit to talk about who will replace the suffering governor. After the high-level meeting, they asked for the blessing of the Emperor in order for them to conduct an immediate election. The voters comprise of all the potential governors. A requirement of two-thirds of all the votes must be counted in order to crown a new governor. Emperor Russell gave his permission and Rukmini stepped down from his position. After the election, the new governor was announced. The newly elected governor was the most prominent person in China, Yu Jianlin.

The moment Yu Jianlin became the governor, he promised a peaceful Asia with the use of iron hands. He stated repeatedly in his inaugural speech that he would not tolerate any form of crime. After few months as the highest leader in Asia, Governor Yu became a terror. He was feared by all his people. In just a few months, he put to death all those who went against the law. There were many times wherein the due process of law was not followed well. For Governor Yu, the real innocent people will never be involved in a violation hence, all those who were involved were criminals for him. Some Asians reported him to the Emperor hoping that the Emperor would take action. In contrary, Emperor Russell applauded the works of the terrifying governor. Reporters interviewed the Emperor about the issue and the Emperor said, “I praise his works. I can see myself in him. We both follow the same principle.” Hearing and watching the interview, many Asians were demoralized. For them, Governor Yu’s reign would start the Dark Age of Asia.

Governor Yu visited the place where mass executions were held. The mass executions were broadcast in all television in order for the people to see what will happen to them if they disobeyed the law. About 400 men, criminals and innocents, were placed in the site. Many of them were crying and asking for help.  An alarm buzzed signalling that the execution will happen in any moment. The prisoners were free to run in any part of the site but they could not escape. When they heard the alarm, all of them acted crazily and madly. Their minds could not withstand the fact that they will die in a short while. Then the speaker announced, “The execution will start in 3…..2…..1…..” Then a huge explosion blew up the whole site. The explosion was so strong that it will leave no one breathing. In an instant, 400 people died. Most of them committed just a simple violation.

After the bombing, Governor Yu made his speech. The highlight of his speech came when he said the words, “Our system is easy. Don’t do anything against the law. If you do, we’ll kill you.”

In some prisons, executions through lethal injections were held. Fatal dose of drugs were injected to the criminals and violators and caused their sudden death.  However, the people did not know that there’s another form of capital punishment. It was held secret and only the government officials knew it. This capital punishment is done to people who committed grave crimes. Sometimes, this is done to the people whom the top government officials personally want to punish. The punishment comes with the form of torture and the person to be punished will be killed in any manner the executioner wants.

Aarzam returned home. Together with his wife, they went to his father’s house to say their last farewell. The moment they arrived at his father’s place, Aarzam embraced his father tightly. He could not say anything. His thoughts were overflowing with loving words but he could not express it. He just cried while embracing his father. Few moments had passed and several cars arrived at their home. The Policemen arrived. They opened the door by force and get Aarzam’s father. Aarzam was just staring, crying. The fate of his father is unavoidable. He said to his father, “Daddy, I love you!” His father answered, “I love you too, son. Please, don’t go against the convention.”

After the Policemen departed together with his father, memories revolved around Aarzam’s mind.

“Come on, son! Catch this!” His father threw the ball to him.

“You know, son, in football, you need to have a body as sturdy and immovable as a stone wall but the moment you catch the ball, you need to run so fast and light like that of a wind.” His father added.

“I’ll always remember that, Daddy.” Aarzam politely replied.

When Aarzam’s team won the Championship Title, his father said, “You’re the best, son! You really carried your team!

“Thank you, daddy! I owe you everything!” He replied.

When Aarzam entered college and was involved in street fights, “Avoid being hot-headed. A great warrior knows when and where he will use his physical talent.”

Aarzam clearly remembered the last game they played. It was basketball. His father said, “I can’t keep up with you anymore. I’m aging and my body is slowing down.”

Aarzam shoot a long-range shot and after he made three consecutive baskets, he said while laughing, “No, dad! I’m just better than you.”

“No! No! No! When I was young and I was in my prime, I would make you looked like a loser.” His father teased.

Then the last memory of his father flashed into his mind, “I love you too, son. Please, don’t go against the convention.”

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