Rin Matsouka

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Requested by @Nihilisticlre (I had a hard time spelling this)

"Thanks, sweetheart." You said to the waitress as she put your food on the table, she then blushed shyly and walked away. Rin gave a glare, he was tired. He had officially witnessed his crush, Y/N, successfully flirt with everyone single person in the universe except for him. Even now, Y/N was flirting with Haru, making the fish loving man blush.

'Haru, your eyes are so beautiful. You're so hot and amazing I just wanna bend you against this table and fuck you in front of your friends honhonhon' Said Rin in his mind mockingly. Yeah, he might have exaggerated a little bit but he didn't care enough to listen to their actual conversations. All his focus was currently on the fact that Haru was reviving the attention Rin wanted.

Guess it's time to get over my stupid crush...

Rin sat down on the floor, legs crossed, in from of his laptop. Water was dripping down his hair onto a towel that was placed on his shoulders as he typed away on his laptop. 'How to get over a crush' he wrote and then clicked on the first article he stumbled upon.

"Step one; take care of yourself," He mumbled to himself, "I can do that."

Five minutes later Rin was sitting at the same spot he was at before, this time with a face mask that he stole from Gou.

"Now for step two; Distance yourself from them."


Distancing himself from Y/N had been easier than he thought.


Not only did they go to the same school, but they lived door to door in the dorm. This meant that Rin, in order to avoid you, had to leave the dorm at six am before you woke up and come back after you fell asleep (which was practically impossible, seeing that on some days you stayed up until three am watching cat videos on youtube). Rin was exhausted to say at least. Not only was he tired because he had to be outside for more than twelve hours a day, but he was tired of having to avoid you. He missed you. The boy just wanted to cuddle you and hang out together like the good old times, but he couldn't. No, the article told him that this feeling is normal and that's when you have to be the strongest! I'm no quitter, he thought to himself as he left his dorm (at six am, once again).

This is okay. Time for step three.


Step three; meet new people.

This step ended as soon as it started. Truth be told, Rin was defenitly not the most social person, so coming up to someone in public just like that was way out of question. That left only one option; Tinder.

He set up a profile, posted a few pictures (Since he didnt take almost any pictures by himself, he had to cut you out of a couple of them), wrot a short description and was ready to swipe on all the singles nearby. He was rather surprised to already, after only five minues, recive a frindly message from a match he made.

Adrien: hey :) we matched

Rin: Yeah, thats cool

Rin: How are you ?

Adrien: Im so fkn horny i wanna fuck the shit out of you

Adrien: (dickpic.jpg)

Rin gasped as he dropped his phone, his face flues red out of embarassment as he quicly went to pick out his phone and DELETE THE APP FOREVER.

Nope, Im going to have to skip this step. This is unacceptable.


Loud. but gentle, knocking made rin snap out of his thoughts.

"Come in," he yelled at the person on the otherside, already knowing it was Makoto. Rin had called Makoto, as he felt he was propably theonly person who wont make fun of his if he tells him out his crush. Makoto opend the door and came inside, smiling gently at the shark teeth boy.

"What did you want to talk about?" He says as he sits on the bed next to Rin.

"So," he takes a deep breath, "I'm in love with Y/N. I tried to get over this stupid crush for so long I did all the dumb shit this website told me to do but it doesn't work! I tried ignoring him, meeting new people, I even did all take care of yourself bullshit and now! Touch my skin it's soft but I'm still not over him! I know he doesn't like me back and I don't know what to do anymore!"

"Actually," said a familiar voice that Rin would recognize anywhere thus making him freeze in fear.

"Y/N! No, it's nothing like that! You misunderstood I-" he yelled as he jumped from his seat next to Makoto, who was currently making an exit out of the room, his eyes getting wet, about to cry from the fear of being rejected. Y/N cut him of by giving his lips a small peck that left Rin dumbfounded.

"Actually," He repeated, "I do like you back. Would you do me the honor and be my boyfriend?" Rin just nodded, not trusting his own mouth right now, and hugged the taller man tightly.

"So this is why you were acting so weird?" A nod, "you dumbo. I missed you."

I am so sorry?? It's been 15 years since I updated and it's not even good??? Does anybody still care about this?? And a special sorry to @ who requested this lmao thank u for requesting I'm an awful person I know

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