Chapter 5

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(In the morning)

Sonic's P.O.V

I yawn and stretch as I sit up. I get out of the sleeping bag and get out of the tent. I rub my eyes and see Shadow. I ask, "Whatcha doin' Shadz?" Shadow looks at me, then turns back to the fire that he made again. Shadow answers, "I'm cooking eggs." I ask, "you brought eggs from your house?" Shadow nods and says, "yeah. It was hard to not be noticed but I did it." Shadow gives me a paper plate with eggs on it. Shadow says, "go ahead and eat. I'm going to go for a walk." I ask, "Aren't you going to eat?" Shadow says, "No. I already ate." I say, "Okay." I start to eat the eggs as Shadow walks deeper into the wood. After i finished the eggs, I say content, "That hit the spot.. Hmm, i wonder when Shadow will come back from his walk." Right after I say that, Shadow comes back. Shadow sees my finished plate. Shadow says, "I'm assuming you enjoyed your meal." I say, "Most definitely. You are a really good cook Shadz." 

Shadow nods and goes back into his tent to do whatever he wants. It is so weird not hearing him growl at me and tell me not to call him Shadz. I guess he just accepted the fact that I would not stop calling him that and just learned to deal with it. My phone starts to ring. I pick it up and ask, "hello?" Tails greets, "hey Sonic." I smile and say, "hey Tails. What's up?" Tails says, "Well... I have some bad news." My smile disappears and i ask, "What's the bad news?" Tails says, "Well for one, Sally and Amy are looking for you. Amy is going to go around the world to find you and Sally is looking for you somewhere close to your area." I ask, "How do you know what part of the wood I am in?" Tails says, "You have a tracker on your communicator, remember?" I say, "oh yeah. I forgot about that. But anyways, what is the other thing I need to know?" Tails says, "oh right um... well the other thing is that Knuckles got seriously injured." 

I ask, "Wait what?! What injured Knuckles?" Tails says, "I don't know yet. Rouge told me that she found Knuckles barely conscious when she found him on the Master Emerald shrine. He fell unconscious before he could tell Rouge who he fought. Oh and I forgot to mention, that person was after the Master Emerald but Knuckles shattered the Master Emerald and the pieces scattered across the globe to make sure that the person couldn't get it." I ask, "Knuckles told Rouge that?" Tails says, "Well not clearly. He could only make out a few words and that is the conclusion I got." I ask, "What did Knuckles say?" Tails says, "Rouge made a list of the words. Here are the words: Threat, Emerald, cracked, scatter, figure, help, and Chaos." I ask, "Chaos as in the water creature or like chaos emeralds or chaos energy?" Tails says, "I assume it is the water creature since Rouge told me that he was looking at the water when he said chaos." I say, "Well I suppose it makes sense since the master emerald was shattered, he would get freed. I wonder if Tikal got out if that was the case." 

Tails says, "Well we plan to get some actual information from Knuckles once he is conscious. But I feel like he won't wake up soon. He has some bruises, a scar on his left eye and is missing an arm. I'm making Knuckles a mechanical arm right now as we speak." I say, "I wish i could have been there to help him." Tails says, "Same here but it has already happened so there's nothing we can do except heal him." I ask, "Where is he right now?" Tails answers, "he's in my workshop." I ask, "Should I come back to help?" Tails says, "no. You don't have to come back. I don't want to risk you being caught. And anyways I got everything under control." I say, "okay if you say so. But if you do need help, don't hesitate to call me." Tails says, "Okay." I say, "Well if that's all you need to tell me, I'm going to hang up. Bye little buddy." Tails says, "bye Sonic." I hang up the phone.

Shadow walks out of his tent and asks, "What's wrong? You seemed troubled." I say, "Well Tails just called me. He told me that Knuckles was seriously injured, and that Sally and Amy are searching for me. Tails told me that Sally is scouting close to this area." Shadow says, "Are you going to go back to see how Knuckles is doing?" I say, "No. Tails said that he had everything under control and that he didn't want me to risk getting caught. Since i'm not going back, let's start to move our camp somewhere else." Shadow nods and starts to pack everything away. I start to put things away. I look over to the direction Tails' workshop and my house is. I think, "I'm sorry I wasn't able to be there for you Knuckles. If I had just been there for you, just like how you have been there for me for all these years, you wouldn't be in a critical condition." 

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