Chapter Eleven

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*Cassandra's Point of View*

I placed armour on carefully. I then placed my hair into a high plait leaving my bangs swept to the side of my face. Before I left I wrote a letter for each Thor and Loki and slipped my dove necklace around my neck. During my conversation with my father yesterday, I found out that my powers reside in the necklace. I placed a sharpened sword in it's place around my waist. I slipped the letters in the brown sack before it was shrunk down and placed next to the silver dove.

I exited the room and nearly ran into Miss Romanoff and a man.

"Clint this is Cassandra Odinson sister of Thor. Cassandra this is Clint Barton,"Miss Romanoff introduced me. I smiled and nodded.

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Barton. Although I do wish it was under different circumstances, "I said.

"Do any of you know how to fly these things," Steve said, walking into our semi-circle.

"I do," Barton replied.

"Good. Let's get going," Steve commanded avoiding me completely. Romanoff and Barton left heading towards a jet. I stopped Steve.

"What do you want. Loki will attack at any moment. We need to get going," Steve snapped.

"Yeah and the goddamn battle can wait," I snapped back.

"What the hell for,"he asked.

"This," I said, pulling him close and crashing our lips together. It was fleeting but it was perfect. "Now let's go get my brother," I smirked and walked away. He soon followed behind me. We boarded the jet.

"Hey, you guys aren't supposed to be on here-," a young man started but Steve raised his hand.

"Son, just don't," he ordered. I stifled a giggle. We soon took off with Barton and the young man flying. I was sitting next to Romanoff.

"What took you guys a little while to get here," she asked me. I smiled a little. "Wait did you," she asked quietly. I nodded. She smiled.

"You know Lady Romanoff, " I started.

"Please Natasha, " she requested.

"Well Natasha, I see the way you look at Mr. Barton. You two would make a fine couple," I smiled knowingly at her new found blush.

"Cassandra, " Steve called me quietly gesturing me over. I came and sat by him. "What was that on the hellicarrier," he asked awkwardly.

"Something, I did for once in life to make myself feel what little happiness I could get," I answered, "but it is obviously making you uncomfortable so just forget about it," I sighed.


"Just forget it Steven."

I sat back down next to Natasha. "Hey are you alright," she asked quietly.

"Yeah, yeah I am fine. Just you know tired or something like that I guess," I mumbled. She placed a comforting hand on my armored knee.

*Natasha's Point of View (first time woo)*

Cassandra was obviously upset by something that happened between Steve and her. It was obvious she liked him. It has been obvious that he well seemed to like her. She was led on by the son of a bitch. I glared at him keeping my hand on her knee. She looked spaced out, as if concentrating on something outside of this jet. She had said something about how I looked at Clint. Could it possibly be that I like him? He was a man who saved my life. I needed to focus on the near futre right now, and more importantly when the battle is over to decide if Thor or I should kick Steve's ass.

*Steve's Point of View*

Natasha was glaring at me. Cassandra was trying not to cry. I just screwed everything up. But, she is leaving. I can't go through losing another person I care about. The kiss was amazing and now she is telling me to forget it. How can I? I let out a long sigh. Natasha continued to glare as if to say 'you did this to her', no doubt I did. I hurt one of the most perfect women I know so I, myself, didn't get hurt.


A/N: Okay here is chapter that has some drama before some big jumbo drama a.k.a the final battle. Comment? Vote? Follow? Enjoy the story? I hope you do at least one of the above. Lots of love my darlings,


P.S. Another supermegacool account to follow is Blackbird_Singing. Give them a follow or their books a read.


Kirk out!

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