Not Your Mirror!

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This poem is for all those who are debarred from the "social circle" for certain physical differences or are labelled based on their physical traits.


So what if I was told that I am what they call "obese",

So what if with popularity I'm not at ease,

So what if my skin is not the desirable colour,

You won't get it-you can't mould my demeanour.

Yes,you did make from me tears appear,

Yes,you were successful in inspiring my last failure,

Yes-you did give me a few wounds here and there,

Bu thanks-you didn't realize that your torture taught me to bear.

Debarred,If like you and a million others I couldn't be,

Charred,just for being me!

Scarred and penetrated with a blade-the result of your words,

Marked with the label "WEIRD" for not walking with the herds.

I've heard it before- "your dreams are just too big",

I've heard it before-"to make them come true,you just don't have the thing!

I've heard all of it "YOU ARE JUST NOT CAPAPABLE!"

All I'll say- Your tiny mind is too mediocre to process ,it was you wavering,I was stable.

I don't care what your words convey,

I don't bother to get caught in the games you play,

I don't get it how your maze doesn't wither,

How much ever you try,you won't see-"I AM NOT YOUR MIRROR!"

~ Tejaswini Swaroop,13 YO,23/09/2017

Please comment

I am open to criticism(I take that back this moment!),but yes ,please be positively honest(idk what that means)but you get the idea,please be honest!

and one more thing,comment only if you HAVE ACTUALLY READ THE whole poem and not just scrolled to the end...


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