Chapter three - The Test

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With all my courage I entered the main hall of departement four. "Finally, there you are!" A male voice sounded from the right of me. I took the sight of the hall into me as I turned to the man. The hall was quite dark with barely any windows. It had several old paintings hanging there, which were probably still saved from the War. High pillars raised up to the round roof. It was a sad place, with a sad history for people like me. "Yeah... I just could not wait." I eventually replied to the man sarcastically. "My name is Mr. Allacks. I heard you have been to headquarters before?" Mr. Allacks asked and a nodded. "Then I assume you heard the stories from department four." I sighed and thought about the first time I heard a story about department four.

"So you're Alice right?" The guy next to me asked, and I shifted around in my seat to face him. "First time here?" "Yeah." I replied sadly. "Maybe you should try making it the last will you? If it happens more often you'll probably end up in department four being a prey to the government's testings." The strange guy told me. "Testings?" I asked confused. "You never heard of them? Well every once in a while, they pick a few 'useless' people, people who are totally imperfect and and who have to go here quite often. They are called for some tests and usually end up being mindless slaves to the government. They will be turned into the 'perfect' citizens, and no longer have an own will." I stared at him in shock. "And sometimes, they just disappear and never come back..." He added dramatically and started to laugh. "It is true though."

I shivered in thought of what soon might happen to me.

After we went through several corridors Mr. Allack finally pulled me into a plain white room. In the middle stood a chair with several straps attached to them. The chair was surrounded by all sorts of weird machines and it looked like some kind of evil scientists could come out at any minute. What is this place? "Have you ever heard of the term dreamer?" The man asked and my eyes widened in surprise. I soon realised my mistake in reacting too strongly. "Nope, not really." Mr. Allacks looked at me, his eyes asking for the truth. "Someone who is very absentmindly. Something like that?" I asked. He nodded hesitantly. "So, the dreamer I'm talking about is someone who can dream and communicate through this. However, no normal person should be able to dream." He paused for a while to take in my reaction. But I managed to keep myself completely calm. "These 'people' are not normal, and they do not fit well in society. They are the stain on a perfectly white shirt, and we wouldn't want that right?" I nodded, but from the inside I was panicking like a madman. "Since you repeatively break the rules, we would like to have a closer look at you. May I ask whether I can count on your cooperation?" I re-thought my answer a few times before actually speaking it out loud. "Of course I will, everything to reassure the people's safety." I said with an incredibly fake smile, though he believed it. "Good. Lets start, shall we?" He reached his hand out to take me to the chair. Once I was seated, he strapped me down and I groaned in pain. "Auch! Too tight!" I said as I pushed the air out of my lungs. "It's only for your own good darling. Now prepare, this might hurt a little..." I looked at him and saw an evil smile appear on his face. Guess I were right about the evil scientist part... He grabbed a huge injection nail with some kind of green substance in it. "Relax." Was the last thing I heard him say before he pushed the nail deep into my skin in my arm. Then all there was was an agonizing pain causing my vision to blurry and all my other senses to fade to nothing. All I knew was pain, and then just nothing.


A/N: My story might look a lot like divergent, but it will absolutely be different. I promise!


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