Chapter one - The Dream

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A/n: So hey! This is my first proper story ever written by me. So if you got anything which isn't really how you would like it to be, please just only let me know if you give me something how I could do it better.

Have fun reading!!


I moved my feet across the surface of the ground. The tiny green things tickled me feet as I walked. Was this the thing that the history books called grass? It felt cool, and soft to my feet. The wind blew and made me shiver. Wind, another ancient word from the books. They told me it was cold, and that people could get harmed by it. That it would be a threat to mankind if we would ever let it come back. But now that I felt it, it was warm and pleasant. It played with my hair and the grass surrounding me. I turned around only to see more of this unknown beauty. Tree, forest. Those words popped into my mind. Why did they ever want to remove them? There should be some place for them somewhere, right? I sniffed in some air. So this is what 'nature' smelled like. The air was so fresh, so clean, so... I can't come up with the word anymore. Free? I heard the leaves of the tree whispering. For the first time since I got here I said something. "Hello? Does anyone know where I am?" But no one responded. Before I knew it I started to run. My feet dragged me into the forest, and there was nothing I could do about it. I kept running faster and faster till I saw nothing but a blur. I let myself enjoy the moment, what else could I do? And I came to realise that this must all be a dream. Nature disappeared hundreds of years ago, and if it didn't, how could a possibly end up here?

I got broken away from my thoughts because my legs suddenly stopped running. In front of me stood a stunning young women. She looked fierce and dangerous, and radiated power. "Alice." She spoke, and I moved closer. "You are different from the others. You have abilities no one else has." I looked at her in a questioning way. "I don't understand, what do you mean by abilities? I have never been special in my life, never have been able to do anything different. Except getting kicken out of school and those kind of things." "You're a dreamer Alice, you're untouchable. You'll find out what it means when time comes, but you should not let anyone know!" She said with an enormous force. "But..." I started, but I got interrupted. "No one is to be trusted. The government follows you everywhere, so be carefull." That's the last thing she said before she disappeared into dust.

When the information I got finally worked its way into me, I started looking around to see where my feet had brought me. I was in the middle of a forest, with nothing to guide me, great. From behind me I heard the rustle of something moving. And I jumped up in surprise as I saw two of the most dangerous-looking guys running in my way. Before I could do anything to get away from the men, one had already tackled me while the other threw a net around me. "Noooooo!" I shouted as I saw one of them raise his sword.

Loud screaming and crying I woke up. It was indeed just a dream. My parents came running in like mad asking me what in the name of god had possibly caused me to scream like that in the middle of the night. "It was just a dream." I told them reassuringly. And they looked at me in surprise. "That's not possible!" My mum, Theresa, shouted at me. "Dreaming is a thing of the past, no one can dream anymore!" She looked confused and mad, but I don't think she could ever be as confused as I were. If dreaming wasn't possible, how can I just have dreamed? "As a punishment for waking us up unneccesary, we give you a week at headquarters." My dad said to me. And something in my head had the idea that he wasn't thinking very high of me at the moment. "But dad! It's the truth!" I yelled back at him. "Why do you never believe me?! Things aren't always as the government says them to be!" "Don't you dare to say anything like that about the government again younglady! It has been providing food and peace for centuries for us. And this is all they get in return?!" I didn't believe I had ever seen him this angry before. So I remained silent for my own good. "We'll talk about this tomorrow. And your punishment has now been raised to at least three weeks." "What?!" I shouted as tears began to form in my eyes. "No discussion possible. Now sleep you ungrateful little thing!" He shouted back and slammed my room door shut. This was my breaking point, and I started crying. "Why do I have to be so perfect for them?" I whipered at the edge of sleeping. Then everything got dark and peaceful again.

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