One Shot

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Shout out to my man Brian Wingo on this idea. Brian I hope you enjoy the content on this on. Those who don't know he's an anime lover. A big Asuna and Inner Moka guy.



It was nerve racking and very interesting as everyone was just settling into the Shuzen castle. Tsukune and the gang along with Kokoa were spending a couple days mainly to meet Moka's complicated family. Akua the dark and powerful one, Kahlua to high maintenance princess, and Lord Issa the father and head of the castle.

It was day two into the trip as the sun had finally set. The sky outside was a dark navy with a half moon and stars white and shiny. A beautiful sight for every window in the castle. As Tsukune sat at the desk and thought to himself.

If you want to seduce her you're going to have to seduce me first.

Those words by the silver haired, husky voiced, Inner Moka repeated into the young man's head as he sat there. Feeling uneasy he had to think this one out. How do I make her feel good about me? How do I do this? I've never had a girlfriend. Never really kissed one either. So now what? I'm just so bad at this. Just then there was a knock at the door. "Hello?" He asked. No voice could be heard as he heard another gentle knock. "Coming." Is it Moka? He opened the door slightly.

"Hello there Tsukune. Good evening. Am I interrupting anything?" Said Kahlua with a slight blush.

Her sister? "Hi. Can I help you?" He asked nervously. Relieved it wasn't any of the girls trying to make their way in and jump on his bed.

"As the matter of fact you can. I need some assistance moving something. Since Father heads to bed early these days you're the only man available. That and I see those muscles underneath that shirt. Those can't hide from me. Rawr." She licked her lips.

Tsukune thought nothing of it. He was told Kahlua had a flirty personality and since he was a typically sense for a boy his age he rolled with it. "Alright I can help you."

He rolled the sleeves of his white dress shirt up as Kahlua gazed at his upper body. You might be fun. Lessons are not. "This way Tsukie."

"Tsukie?" He puzzled.

"Doesn't she call you that?" She giggled.

"Moka? No she doesn't have a name for me."

Let's see how you answer these after I trap you. She lead the boy to her room. As they both entered she locked the door behind her. "So tell me you dog, how close are you to my sister?"

"What?" He gasped. Panic mode was taking over. "I don't know what you're talking about. Right now we're just friends."

"Shhhhh." She put a finger to his lips. "It's okay. I'm not mad. And never will be. Unless you hurt her. You're a good guy Tsukune. Just curious, how good are you with girls? You have the bimbo, witch, and snow woman after you. I know these things." She smirked and was just waiting for a straight answer. She knew that she drilled right through him.

"I... I've never kissed a girl." He was getting into a sweat.

Kahlua leaned against the door. "Well now. I wouldn't think. A handsome boy such as yourself has never kissed a girl before. Is that why you're so nervous?" She cupped his face with her hand. "Isn't that something cute."

"Cute? It's embarrassing." His face turned completely red.

"Easy Honey." She walked up to hug him. Her head in his upper chest and neck.

"Honey?" He pondered.

"You mind if I call you that?

"Well I..." He could try but the words just simply weren't coming out for the poor boy. He was in her trap.

"Look Tsukune. Look at me." He looked into those colorful eyes. He froze as she smiled. "I know you belong to my sister. But I have a deal with you."

"What deal? Are you threatening me?" He flinched.

"Me?" She winked at him. "Never. Just want to know if you want tooooooooo oh say, practice. Hehe."

"Pra... Practice? What's that supposed to mean?" He was starting to get so embarrassed that he was getting defensive.

"You want to give her love that will sweep her off her feet I can show you how. It's not cheating, it's practicing. She isn't your official girlfriend and I see no ring." She was rattling him and she was getting under his skin pretty good.

"Won't we be found out?" Bad choice of words to counter that. Instead of playing it off it was a what if.

"My backup would be getting changed and forgot to unlock my door as you were moving my 'loveseat' into the corner. Can I get a hug?" She reached her arms out and frowned. "Please Tsukie."

He gave him. "Sure."

Kahlua took the hug and planted the kiss right on his lips. "Step one."

"Did you? You just... Did I... What just happened?" He was stuttering trying to process all of this.

"Welcome to art of love Tsukie. Come a bit closer."

"Okay." He inched up to her has she pushed herself against him. Her breasts now squeezed into his chest. "Now remember, no groping. With her you are going to have to ask. Kay?"

"Isn't that incredibly forward?" He asked.

"Oh that's right. Sorry. Anyways, you're the man you you are going to have to lead. Kiss me. Pretend I'm her. If the kiss feels good to her it might help you get your way." He closes his eyes again and makes contact with her lips. Soft. He really is a catch. She goes along with it before he starts to play with her tounge. She seperates for a moment. "Slowly Honey. That or go with her pace. Okay?"

"Sure thing." He tries again as she wrapped around him.

She directed his hands to hug around her. A little above the hips before backing off again. "These are my love handles. She has a similar body as I. Remember this spot. It's comforting. Kay?"

"Is their anything else Kahlua?"

"Well Honey be good with words, remember your practice, passion, and go the first eighty percent and have her go the other twenty. You ready to knock on her door?" She winked and fixed the collar of his shirt.

"Wait. Hold on a second Kahlua. After doing... that how can I?"

"Knock on the door and no matter what see me tomorrow."

"Thank you." He was about to leave. Hand on the doorknob and he was spanked. "Hey!"

"Shhhhhh. Remember it's late Tsukie you dog." She smirked.

"Kahlua why the hell did you spank me?"

She laughed. "Remember. If she rejects or doesn't answer then you're mine baby."


"Phase two. Rawr."


"Now get out there and do your stuff. And for, advanced training my door is unlocked and a spot in bed next to me. Hopefully I'll see you soon." Tsukune nodded and walked out as Kahlua closed the door behind him. She shook her bed as her heart sank. Oh Moka. Not only are you father's favorite but you have got a quality guy on top of that.


Well then. Interesting. This was one of those pieces in which I had to play around with. Not too bad either. Could be a canon plot or a side chapter in one of my Rosario stories. Especially Blood And Breath. But sadly no. Thanks for the spark of interest Brian. Had fun with this piece.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day cause you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2019 ⏰

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