Chapter 1: leaving

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   •Finn's pov•

  I  was in my treehouse getting ready to go when Jake comes down.
"hey I'm sorry that I can't go I really want to, but you know how lady feels. She thinks it's too dangerous for me."

"Yeah right dude.....I know the real's because your scared."

"in your dreams dweeb!" jake says with a laugh. "but seriously man,I need you to be careful I want you back in one piece!"
"Okay Jake, I love you bro."
"I love you too Finn."

Just then I heard the door open and shut. "is anyone home!" We hear marceline yelling from downstairs.

"we're up here!" We both yell back.

Marceline floats up the ladder and up to the table we were  standing at and she rushes up to me and throws her arms around me in a warm embrace.
"Do you have to go Finn" she says while crying.
"I don't have to, I want to and I'll only be gone a few short years." I say in a comforting voice.
"I will really miss you Finn."
she wishers in my ear.
"I'll miss you too Marcy" I wisper back. 
And we stayed like that for what seemed like forever until we hear the door open again and princess bubblegum climbs up the ladder.

"oh! hey Finn I'm glad I caught you before you left, I got you a going away present." 

She hands me a box wrapped in white paper, I peel back the paper and open the cardboard box,  inside is a shiny new sword.

"I made it myself " she says proudly.

"I designed it in my lab to be indestructible."

"Thanks pb, I love it."
I say with a smile on my face.

"I hope it will help you on your journey exploring the world."pb say as her eyes begin to water and a tear rolls down her cheek. "Oh Finn!" She exlames as she hugs me "we're all going to miss you Finn." 

"It will only be a few short years pb."
I say to her.

She pulls away and I look into her eyes "promise me that you will come back safe Finn." She says in a serious tone.

"I will princess."

I give everyone one last hug before I leave the treehouse and start my long journey.
I miss my friends already, and I haven't even left ooo yet.

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