Chapter 2

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Blackness, that's all you could see. Then a little light  appeared, you were going to walk towards it until someone tapped your shoulder. You turned to see a beautiful angle. The angle walked up to you with a sweet smile, Hello he said, umm hi was all you said telepathically, (Oh wow I wonder how you did that *HAS FAKE SHOCKED EXPRESSION* well you can thank me, the amazing magical author, (LOL Hoddini) I'm glad to see your feeling better. Thank you but, where am i? Well deary, we are in your mind, and I hate to say this but, he then turned from a charming angle, to a hideous demon. I have to kill you! WHAT!? you screamed before you jumped up in a strange room. "Hmmm, that demon looked familiar." You looked around that's when it all hit you like a bus to the face. You were kidnapped. HOW!? You thought, then the door opened and you looked up to see Ohm. You started to get nervous and inched backwards. He walked up to you, "How are you feeling?" "Better" "So, here's the thing," I have a bad feeling about this conversation. "Our leader is gonna want an explanation and he won't do it the easy way." I knew something bad was gonna  happen. "And if I don't want to give him one?" I already know this answer. "Then he'll kill you" With that he walks out the room.
*Sigh* "My life just keeps getting better and better.

(Time skip)

I've been sleeping for a while, not sure how long though cause this place don't even have a clock. I look up to see the door creaking open, man ever heard of oiling the thing, geez. A guy with a... Is that a monkey mask, dang that's actually pretty funny. I start giggling and the guy looks at me funny. " Your a giggler, want some gummy worms!?" Omg the squeaker voice, I couldn't help my self and started laughing my insane killer laugh (Kinda like Delirious but way crazier and cuter at the same time) "Omg a girl Del, I've never seen one before!" He made it sound like I'm an endangered species. "Wasn't I asked if I wanted some gummy worms" he tossed me the bag, there SHARKS, omg yes I love these things! "Thank you so much you have no idea how much I love these" I'm very greatful, I was starving. "No prob, just wanna say, Vanoss will be here in a little while to get some info from you, so be ready." I was confused at this point. Why was he telling me? Wouldn't he get in trouble or something? "Thank you but, why are you telling me this?" He gave me a weak smile. "Cause your not as bad as everyone thinks." With that he left as well. Today,is just plain crazy.

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