Chapter 4

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So I have an idea of where I want to go with this story but I would like to now how you all feel. I will explain more in the next chapter.

(Normal POV)
Vanoss extended his hand out to me to take. "Cmon, we cant have you crammed up in here forever." I find it strange he was being nice to me, but I would love to get out of this room, so I took his hand and let him lead me to wherever it is we were going. Once we stopped walking, I realized we were in the living room where a PlayStation was set up with many different controllers around. We were also standing in front of many people. I have never felt more uncomfortable than I do now, everyone was staring at us, well more like me.

(Delirious POV)
Everyone was sitting in the living room waiting for whatever Evan called us down here for. Honestly I could care less what he had to say, it's not that I was mad at him or hated him, I was just in a bad mood. "Damn, what's taking him so long?" It sounded like someone was about to answer when the said male walked in with...the girl from earlier. Damn, I must admit she was very pretty. She looked a little uncomfortable under the stares of all the others. I would be to if I didn't know anyone or anything. "ALLLLLRIGHT! Everyone, I would like to introduce the newest member of our gang. Everyone meet..." The girl stood on her tippy toes and whispered in his ear. " (Y/N)! Everyone meet (Y/N)." She awkwardly waved at everyone, everything was awkward and silent when all of a sudden Lui's squeaker voice rang out through the room. "WANNA BE MY PROM DATE?!?! IVE GOT MORE GUMMY WORMS!!!" She stood there befor she started to giggle, then it turned into a full on laugh, she sounded like me, but her laugh was cute at the same time. "Sure Lui, I'll be your prom date, plus, gummy worms sound good right about now."

I'm sorry if the chapters are short, I am trying to do my best and am sorry if they are horrible. If you want to suggest some stuff, suggest for the future chapters because the only reason I will be going back into past chapters is to fix spelling errors. Thank you all who stuck with me over this period of time, I love you all and hope you have a blessed day!

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