Chapter 6

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(Your POV)
I was so tired last night after playing games till 2:00 so as soon as I felt the sod comfortable bed, I instantly fell asleep. I guess the bed was to comfortable because I over slept. So now I have to hurry and get changed and rush downstairs to hopefully some type of leftovers from breakfast. Hey what can I say, these guys eat like hungry wild animals. I hurry and put on a random outfit and run to the stairs. When I get to the stairs I hop on the rail and slide down. Well turns out that wasn't the best idea because when I was close to the bottom, I fell backwards in to someone.

(Delirious POV)
I was sitting on the sofa watching the news when it showed (y/n). The news said her brother and sisters were worried sick (sorry if you don't have siblings, just pretend you do) and were willing to pay a lot of money to get her back. All of the guys looked at Vanoss who was standing by the doorway. He looked back at everyone and shook his head. Well that means we're not giving in, I'm glad he said no. She really is something else. Thats when I realized she wasn't down yet and breakfast was almost an hour ago. "Hey guys, I'm gonna go wake up (y/n)." Before anyone could protest I got up and walked towards the stairs. Just as I was about to turn to go up, something fell on me.
(Your POV)
"GAH!" I kept my eyes closed, I was to embarrassed to open them. When I finally did, I realized who I had fell on. Delirious. Oh god I'm so dead. He groans and sat up after I jumped off him. I immediately went to help him up. "Ohmygodimsosorry,Ididntknowyouwerethereandiwastryingtogetdownthestairsquickerand-" He places a finger on lips and I blush from the close contact. "It's ok, I'm not hurt. Are you okay though?" I couldn't help but stutter when I answered "I-I'm fi-fine." That when I saw Vanoss walk up behind Delirious. "What's going on here?"

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