17. | Reading is good for you.

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the first part of this chapter happens at the same time as the last one but just back at the bus

"Please please Ashton I can't drive and I really want to try this juice"

Calum had been begging Ashton to go to the store for him for almost ten minutes now. He read on some website about a juice that was apparently really good for your body. I wouldn't know, I didn't quite listen to him when he told me about it.

"Fine but you owe me big time" Ashton agrees with a sigh, grabbing his car keys of the side table and walking out the door.

"You could've at least gone with him" I said, glancing up at him over my book.

"I could've" he just agreed and sat down next to me.

"What is it with you and books?" he asked me after a while. Looking at me with curiosity beaming from his brown eyes.

"I don't know, I guess I just like how I can escape reality when reading. I like books where I can put myself in the story and I don't have to have any worries" he smiled at what I said.

"I don't read, but sometimes you kind of make me wanna start" he laughed and I laughed with him.

"You should, I'm sure I could help you find a book you'd like" I then said before placing my book down on the coffee table.

"So" I begun, capturing Calum's attention once again.

"So?" he said, urging me to continue.

"So, have you thought of a way to ask out Hanna yet?" I asked him, a smile finding it's way onto Calum's lips.

"Not really I thought I'd just ask her. Won't it be awkward for you if two if your best friends go out? if she says yes I mean"

I thought about it for a while. Maybe if the broke up it could be weird but at the same that it might turn out great and I loved them both and they liked each other so the answer to his question was quite obvious to me.

"No" I said simply and then placed my hand on his knee.

"And she'll definitely say yes, I promise!" I added and hugged him.

"I want you to be happy so go for it, stop worrying about me besides we're sort of in the same boat" I said and pulled away.

"What do you mean?" he asked, confused.

"Michael may or may not have asked me out and I may or may not have said yes" I said quietly and waited nervously for how he would react.

"About time he did" Calum smiled and pulled me into a hug.

It was now my time to be confused, "What?" I laughed.

"I've waited for him to man up and say something to you for quite some time now" he explained as we pulled away from each other, him keeping his arm thrown over my shoulders.

"I just want you to be happy too you know" he then said leaning his head on the top if mine.

"I know" I said back and relaxed under his arm.

We sat like that for quite sometime, just talking about everything and nothing. We talked about Hanna, Michael, Rose, the whole touring thing and oh Rose.

Just as we were in the middle of talking about our various childhood memories Ashton stumbled into the bus. He placed the bag with the juice box on the kitchen counter and I couldn't help but think that he looked awfully happy.

His lips were pulled in a big, goofy, smile and his cheeks were clad with a rosy red color which I guessed wasn't because of the cold air outside.

Calum hugged Ashton, exclaiming that he was the best before rushing off to try the juice.

"How did it go?" I asked him as he sat down next to me.

"Good, the juice wasn't too hard to find" he said but I just laughed at him.

"No Ash, I was talking about the girl you obviously met" I explained and his cheeks heated up even more.

"Uhm I don't know what you're talking about" he said and avoided my gaze.

"You come back, from the store, blushing like mad and smiling like you've just won the lottery. I think you know exactly what I'm talking about"

He started playing with his fingers before looking up at me with a painful expression.

"I only know her name and I already can't stop thinking about her, what if she doesn't call me, Aly?" he said sadly and I pulled him into my side.

"If she has any sense in her, she will call you and she will feel like this after meeting you too. Who knows, maybe you two just experienced what people like to call love at first sight" I smiled up at him as his smile started to come back.

"How do you always know what to say?" he asked me.

"I don't know, I just talk from my own experience and maybe I watch too many films and read too many books but I just say what comes to my head" I answered him truthfully.

Both Calum and Mali often reminded me of how good of a listener and comforter I was and it made me happy to feel like I could help. Like my advice made any difference of even if not, that I could bring some sort of comfort by being a non-judge mental listener.

"Maybe I should start reading" he laughed as he stood up and walked towards the back of the bus where the other two boys were hiding.

"You should" I smiled back at him before picking my book back up.

Suddenly very inspired to keep reading.


what did you think? more ghost stuff in the next chapter.

also as I am posting this I am in the car on my way to Stockholm to see 1D and 5SOS, I'm so excited it's crazy!!

hope you all have a great weekend, I love you all!

/ / Liv.

don't forget to use the hashtag #FrozenFF or tweet me, @OliviaLW1D, what you think of the story!

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