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Soon a man, I recognise him as the one who talked next to the chest and Elizabeth, comes up to us.

"You're supposed to be dead" he says to Jack.

"Yes well, ye forgot one thing when ye abandoned me on that godforsaken island" Jack says with a smirk, but Barbossa doesn't say a word.

"I'm Captain Jack Sparrow!" He says with a huge grin.

"Well everyone remembers Captain Jack Sparrow? Kill 'im, and his little whore" Barbossa says after a while.

Little whore?! I think and yell at him;

"You bastard, not every woman is a whore!"

"I don't care, missy!" He says and then glances at his crew.

"Well go on! Kill 'em!" He says and starts to walk away.

"The girls blood didn't work, eh?" Jack says loudly and Barbossa stops.

"Hold your fire!" He yells, turns around and walks over to us again.

"You know who's blood I need?" He says and Jack smirks.

"I know who's blood ye need"


After a while Jack and Barbossa talking in his cabin, while I had to wait outside, they come out. Jack starting to say something to Barbossa fast and quietly, so I can't hear what exactly he says.

I walk over to them just as Barbossa laughs and says;

"Ye know Jack, that's exactly why ye lost the Pearl in the first place!"

I glance at Jack confused but he doesn't look at me, I'm about to walk over to him as something hard hits my head and I black out.


I hear a loud thump and see Eve black out on the deck, I look around and see Pintel with a short stick in his hand and Ragetti laughing right above of Eve.

"What did ye two do?" I growl to them and they look at me a little scared.

"Uh-oh" Pintel says and runs away Ragetti on his heels.

Then a battle breaks out as the Interceptor starts firing at us, at the Pearl.

"Take 'im to the brig" Barbossa says to two of his crew men, who nods and grabs me.

They pull me down under deck and throw me into one of the cells, soon they bring an unconscious Eve too, and throws her into the same cell with me.

"Eve" I whisper and rush over to her.

I don't know why, but I've come to care for her.

I slightly shake her, she gasps, hits my hand and sits up, damn she hits hard.

"What the hell?!" She shouts. "Where the hell am I?!"

"Love, calm down, we're in the Pearls brig, would ye calm down!" I yell the last part and she actually calms down a bit. "Thank ye, love, and do ye know how hard ye hit?" I say rubbing my hand, and surprisingly she smirks.

"I do infact" she says and I smile slightly.

"Great! Now I know too, wich isn't that great" I say and she laughs rolling her eyes.

"Anyhow, we need to get out of here" She says walking, more like crawling over to the door.

"Aye, we do" I say as she takes out some kind of metal-thing from her hair and starts picking the lock.

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