Chapter 17

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I'm awoken by Cas gently shaking me,
"Black, ummm this is going to hurt a lot" he placed a rag on fire on my neck,
It hurt and I wanted to scream but I just laid looking to the horizon where the sun was starting to rise.
The same sun that I used to watch with my parents.
The same sun I watched when I was curled up next to Riley.
"Are you alright?" I realized they removed the rag so I sat up rubbing my neck,
"Yea I'm fine just.."
Just what? Am I tired am I sad?
"Yea" I whispered trying to ignore what had happened. I knew it wasn't because of the darkness.
"Where are we?" I asked changing the subject because all three boys are looking at me worried,
"We're going towards that cabin thing we went to awhile ago where you were attacked by-"
"Why" I cut Sam off before he could bring up her,
"The darkness is spread to humans in a nearby town cause total anarchy there" I nodded,
"How many people?" Dean sighed looking at me with something blurry in his eyes,
"About 600 people" I'd say my heart dropped like it usually does because most of those people will die weather they kill each other or we try to cure him but I felt nothing,
"How far are we?"
"Not to far from here maybe 15 mile walk"
Cas states like it was easy,
"You said we were close cas!" Dean shouted rolling his eyes,
"We are, 15 miles isn't far" Sam rolled his eyes,
"Do you want me to carry you guys over there?" Sam cleared his voice and dean avoided my gaze,
"Well I don't want to drive baby near there but we can still go closer" dean cleared his throat and crossed his arms, I looked at Cas and he rolled his eyes and nodded I picked Sam up which looked very strange because I'm short as hell and he's like a moose, I looked back at Cas and Sam realized what was happening and started trying to get out of my arms,
"Just head towards that way and you'll hit it" I nodded and looked at Sam,
"I recommend not talking or making sound" I started sprinting as fast as I could towards the direction Cas pointed and was there in a matter of seconds, skidding to a stop I plop Sam next to a tree that was overlooking a small town that looked deserted, Cas appeared next to me holding a bag of weapons,
"I wasn't expecting you to make it this fast" I shrugged,
"Didn't you bring dean?"
"He wouldn't let me because last time I traveled with him he said something about not pooping for a week" sam must've regained his voice and stood up heaving telling me to never pick him up again,
"I'll be back" I sprinted again and was next to impala were dean sitting in the drivers seat was having a battle weather or not if he should take the impala and risk it or get carried like a princess,
"Carried like a princess, I don't wanna see baby all hurt" Dean jumped causing me to chuckle I grab a spare bag and start loading more holy oil in it, I've told Cas to make a massive ring of holy oil around the town so they can't attempt to escape and infect more people,
"Dean stop trying to run away while I'm distracted I am still going to catch up and carry you" I look up and see him still sprinting the wrong way, sighing I grab a few more weapons and zip the bag up and ran infront of Dean causing him to hit me like a car would a brick wall he fell into his ass rubbing his heading ,
"Hey that's not fair" I snorted,
"Life's no fair sweetie, besides you're going in the wrong direction" I pointed to the opposite way he was going, "that way dumbass" before he could scurry to his feet I picked him up and started sprinting to the town but quickly stopped before reaching there because I saw a heard of infected people sprinting towards me like something out of the walking dead.
"Dean" I put him down and grabbed the bag pulling out a bow and a handful of arrows dowsing them in holy water and aiming 3 arrows towards them,
"Cmon what's that gonna do?" Dean wasn't sure what to do and was getting irritated,
"Cas ready!?" I shouted Cas appeared next to me,
"Sam is with some survivors they're hiding but not for long" I shot the arrows and instantly a wall of fire that reminded me of the sun roared screams of agony and anger fills the air thicker then the smoke,
I look at Cas who looks shocked and kind of hurt when I look at Dean his jaw is clenched and is adverting his gaze from the fire.
"Let's go" we walk towards the fire as it begins to die down out of a horde of about a hundred people I see only a few people standing crying.
One being a little girl.
"Mommy" the little girl sobs then out of no where a gun shot is heard, it skims my ear causing my eardrum to explode I can't hear anything but I see dean and Cas grabbing the survivors and scattering towards the town,I turn around a scan for anything there's nothing. I turn back around my hearing slowly coming back from my heightened healing.
I come face to face with a barrel of a shot gun,
"Well put an apple in my mouth and stuff me because I'm dinner" the person lowered the shot gun and smiled,
"Is that you dung beetle?" I was so confused what is going on? Why does that name sound familiar?
"Wha-who?" The person removes their hat and I was still confused,
"It is! Wow your tattoos have definetly grown just like you!" I still looked at her confused, she was wearing jeans a plaid light blue shirt and I noticed she had tattoos like me but mostly blue and whites, she looked about her late 30 blonde hair laying nicely in a braid on her shoulder the brightest purple eyes and was about my height i could've sworn I've seen her before,
"Who are you?"
"Oh jee wiz you were only a small baby when I saw ya last a few years before your parents death" it finally clicked,
"Aunty Karmilla?!" I ran up to her and hugged her, I can't believe it,
"The hunter guild told me I had no family!" I remeber I just got shot in the ear two seconds ago,
"Did you shoot me? Or try to?"
She shook her head,
"No the reason I was about to shoot you is because I thought you were the one with the gun and was trying to shoot me while I was running towards that little girl" I shrugged,
"We need to get out of here because I almost got shot in the head" Aunty karmilla (I used to call her AK because it was wayyy easier and she didn't really like being called an aunty because it 'made her feel old') let out a low long whistle from the bushes a massive Clydesdale that was the whitest color I've seen had a light blue tint to the ends of its main tail and feet but it was hardly noticeable that's how light the blue is.
"This is slylark my horse" I don't remeber her having a Texas sort of accent but I couldn't be bothered to ask because there were so many questions to ask,
She shot up on the horse and sat there waiting for me but all I could do is touch the horse in amazement I also noticed how crystal blue the beautiful beasts eyes were.
"Come on remeber sniper trying to kill people,town full of crazies" I shook my head everything that's swarming my mind has to wait for now. I jump up on the very large horse and held onto AK and waited for her to summon horse gear or something, that's something she can do that I can't she can summon anything with a few materials, but she just whistled and the horse started to gallop towards the town faster then most horses
"How did you find your spirit?" Usually we don't have a spirit we have a soul but usually it's broken so our spirit repairs the broken soul and it can be anything, from a human to a small rock it's very rare to find your spirit especially in such a popular animal, such as a horse.
"He's not my spirit, I went to hell when your parents died because I wanted to bring them back but it back fired and when I escaped I kinda forgot my soul but I knew it would wonder here somewhere and yea I found him I can't take it outta him cause it'll kill the old bugger and besides I love horses, that's why I'm so close with him so I don't do anything soulless" she stated simply "oh an I see your soul is just dust at the moment, who broke it? And why are you covered in dry blood?"skylark stopped at the edge of the town where I could see a hoard around a police station,
"Don't change the subject missy I wanna know what happened" I sighed and looked her dead in the eyes, "fell in love that love was fake shot her in the face 5 times" her eyes went wide,
"Well I won't bring that up again" she cleared her throat and skylark neighed and reared up,
"Get down!" She launched herself towards skylark causing him to lay down I turned around and what I saw killed me more.
Holding a gun aiming it at my face.
It can't be.
Any one but you please.

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