At The Other End

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Meanwhile, at the other end of the kingdom , in a dark forest , someone else too noticed the star that shone that night.

The wind picked up as she seated herself at the high chair of her great room. Her black cloak kissing the floor on which her footh had stepped and her her hands clutched onto the gold chalice once more.

The room was wide and only a single candle shone to light up the room. The windows were open and the curtains blew as the wind picked speed and the flame of the candle flickered under the strong gush of the wind.

The creature walked towards her, it's steps slightly hesitant. It's bright green scales glimmered under the bright flame of the candle. It's long olive green nails were worn out and it's webbed feet made no noise as it walked towards her. It bowed before its creator as a sign of respect.

"Come , Azael. What news do you bring ?" , she asked clutching onto the chalice tightly. She had hoped to hear what she heard everyday from him but his early appearance made it look otherwise.

The creature, Azael, pointed to the sky before hissing and sticking it's tounge out like a serpent.

"No ! It cannot be !" , she said as she ran towards the nearest balcony to see the sky for herself. To convince herself that the sign was just misinterpreted.

She picked up her cloak and ran towards the balcony and snatched the telescope from the table and adjusted it's lense for her the see the sky.

As she charcoal blank eyes scanned the sky through the lense she spotted the one heavenly body she dreaded to see all her life. The star that she hoped she'd never see.

"She is comming." , said a familiar voice from behind her. She spun around to see her prisoner smirking softly as he stared up at the sky with his eyes gleaming with joy.

"She is comming to avenge all those of whom you hurt , Frostina!  Your time is up !" , he said yanking his chains as he laughed heartily. He glared at the woman who claimed to be devoted to him.

He had made it clear from the begining that he had no affection for her and that his heart was already held captive by another yet she chose to break apart his happily ever after. His family.

"Well well well if it isn't a proud father ! We'll see who wins , Raymond. We'll see who rules Aramanda !" , Frostina said gaining her composer back again.

Raymond smirked as he thanked Aryeh for his blessings. He knew that the good would always overpower the evil but he would be lying if he said that after 3 years of captivity he wasn't  losing hope.

Three years , of prayer. Three years of longing for his family and three years of pain from apart from his loved ones. It wasn't that he couldn't see them , no , Frostina made sure to torture him by constantly showing how happy his family was without him through her dark powers but he held onto his sanity with his wife's last words to him before he set out to battle.

"I love you Raymond , and so do Christopher and John. Do not lose hope , Aryeh is with us. Have faith. It will all end soon. It will all end very soon."

"It will all end soon , Frostina ! I have faith in Aryeh and He has bestowed upon me His grace by proving He is with us ! Look ! It has appeared ! The sign of your defeat ! The sign of our victory  ! The sign of His love for us ! BATHILDA HAS APPEARED !" , rejoiced Raymond shouting on top of his voice not caring if he was beaten anymore , not caring if he was thrown to the creatures of the dark for his hope had been restored. His prayers had been heard. His hope was restored.

But in his happy glee he didn't care when Frostina called for Azael to take him away to the dungeons,  he didn't care whether he would be beaten again , he didn't care if he was thrown away from the light of the sun for days because -

Baltha had appeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2018 ⏰

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