bad luck isn't so bad after all #midnightsunmovie

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So the thing is i'm never good at making the first impression, or doing something right on my first try, never really had something go well on my first day . my first day at a new high school. I was late and didn't catch the school bus so i booked a cab, I however forgot to lock the door of the taxi and managed to fall out of the car when i told the driver to speed up , in short i ended up arriving at school on the second period looking like i had a mud bath. Nobody wanted to sit with the awkward new girl.

And today is Sunday, and i'm at school, why? because i met a new friend and he asked me if i wanted to help shooting a conference he was a part of. You know how people ask for details as to where it will be held, i didn't! why? because I've never been so smart.

Now here i am stranded at school and the stupid guy isn't picking up my calls.

"Excuse me? may i be of any assistance?" a lady in her early thirties asked.

well of course i'm not! i don't know what i'm doing here! i probably looked lost and stupid arrgh!

i gave a fake wide smile "no i'm good i'm just waiting for someone"

"are you here for the open house?"

wait! say 'yes' or 'no', i was seriously having a battle with myself

"yes!" that came out louder than i wanted it to.

"the bus is here, it's about to leave"

Without thinking i got up and walked towards the door and got into the bus.

I sat by the window and watched the view as we drove for about two and half hours

we got to the other campus. then it hit me!

Like i said I'm not smart...not even one bit!

What on earth was I doing here? Why did I come here? Oh God!

i got down from the vehicle and hurried out of there.

i heard footsteps approaching, and all my body muscles did a turn, my forehead inches away from hitting somebody's lips .

"whoa!" i looked up into these blue eyes staring down at me.

"you good?" he asked.

"why do you care" i added turning.

"well because i though you could use a ride,and i don't see you with any keys

"STRANGER DANGER buddy, i love the fact that my organs are all intact, just so you know"

"well if i makes you feel better, we have criminal law together"

"and i should believe that because....?

"because i know that you always walking in with coffee in your right arm and a coat in your left, your usual spot is next to the! you're always.....late" he added chucking on the late part"

whoa! "stalker much?"

"Nope, just observant"

"anyways, still need a ride?"

"for all i know you still could be a serial killer, and i'll catch the bus"

"can i tag along?"

ummh "yeah sure"

He was fun though. 

Open House #midnightsnmovieWhere stories live. Discover now