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Memories flooded my vision as I walked through the library-she had taken great care of it. The spines of each book were still intact, looking as if they were brand new aside from the slightly worn edges. A small smile crept upon my face as I traced each one carefully.

My breath hitched at the sound of the door creaking open, part of me hoped that one of them would've been able to step away from their duties for a moment. Instead of one of my sisters I saw a small white figure sneaking inside, his tail swishing calmly.

Abbysal let out a sharp huff once he noticed me, his tail lashing behind him as he raised his head to me in an annoyed manor. I laughed softly before he ran towards me, immediately jumping into my arms despite all of the times he had been scolded for it.

I turned once he was comfortably in my grasp and looked back at the books before a specific one caught my gaze. Black and dark blue streaks ran across a spine-it looked out of place amongst the older red and peach colored books.

Despite the yips of protest coming from Abbysal I walked towards it, my fingers automatically coming around the spine and pulling it out of it's case. Abbysal let out a soft growl as I slid down against the wall into a sitting position.

Entries from the fall seven years ago...

The first page had caught me off guard, it certainly did not strike me as something any of my siblings would write in, but clearly I was wrong. With every glance I felt myself becoming more and more focused onto the book before everything around me faded out, and the only thing I was aware of was the images that flashed in my mind.

Lost Woods [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now