Alexander Hamilton x reader

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(I used a bit of Google Translate in this, sorry.) 

High school AU

your POV

"Welcome back y/n!" my close friend, James,  ran over and gave me a welcoming hug. Me and my brother finally returned from our trip to France, although he had to stay home. "Where's Tommy?" James asked, frowning as he notices the absence of his crush.  "He's just sick. He should be better in about a week." James sighs and shakes his head. James took my hand and showed me around the school, since a few changes have been made while I was away. While walking down the halls, searching for new locker, I ran into someone. The person fell as papers flew into the air, slowly falling to the ground. I stood there in shock before bending down to help the young man up. "I am so sorry."

"Watch where you're go-" The man stops as his eyes meet with mine. He looks away quickly and scrambles to pick up the many papers that covered the floor. I help him pick up his papers. 

"I want to apologize...again. I wasn't paying attention." I smile, hoping the man will accept my apology. The last thing I needed was an enemy. "Oh, it's alright. I was running down the halls, thinking everyone else was in class already." The man holds out his hand. "I'm Alexander by the way. You must be new."

"I'm not really new. I'm y/n, and I just got back from France." I shake Alexander's hand. James told me a few things about Alexander, and wouldn't shut up about how much he despises the guy. Alexander seemed like a cool person though. He wore a dark green sweater with black pants. "Hey, what class do you have next?" Alex asks, while walking over to what I guessed was his locker. "Oh, I have Mr. Franklin next."

"Me too! We could walk there together!" Alexander smiled, slamming his locker and grabbing my hand. The bell rings as students flood the halls. After a few minutes of pushing through the crowd, Alex and I finally made it to Mr. Franklin's class. The bell rings again, telling everyone to get to their classes. I follow Alexander and sit in the empty desk on his right. Mr. Franklin, who used to be my science teacher back in middle school, walks in. He smirks when he sees me. "Ah, Mr. y/n! How nice to see you again. How was France?"

"La France était incroyable!" Mr. Franklin chuckles and begins to take role. Alexander turns over to me and whispers, "You know him?"

"Yeah. He taught me and my brother in middle school." Alex nods and goes back to writing. "Whatcha writing?" I question, leaning over to get a better look. Alex hides the journal that he was writing in. "Nothing!" Alexander's face turns slightly red. "Are you ok Alexander?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine." Alexander replies before going back to whatever he was writing, still not letting me see.

Time skip ~because laziness~

Alexander's POV

It's been a few weeks since I ran into y/n, and we quickly became friends. At the moment, I was talking to one of my closest friends, John Laurens. "Just ask him out already! You two would make such a cute couple." John says as he pushes me towards y/n, who was on the other side of the courtyard. "I can't do this John. What if he doesn't like me back? What if he's straight?"

"If what I've been told is true, then y/n's bisexual. So you have a chance." John explains. I let out a sigh of defeat as I make my way over to y/n. "Hey n/n!" y/n looks up from his sketch and smirks. "Hey Alex."

"y/n, there's something I've been meaning to tell you." y/n looks at me in confusion. "What is it Alex?"

"I lo-"

"Little bro!" Not him. Thomas walks over, interrupting me. "Brother!" Wait, brother?! y/n stands up and hugs Thomas, who hugs back before glaring at me. "Why is he here?" God I hate this guy! y/n looks at me and smiles. "This is my friend Alexander! You know him?"

"I guess you could say that." Thomas mutters, keeping his eyes on me. I can't believe I fell for Thomas' brother. y/n then tells me to finish what I was saying. "Uh, nevermind. I should be going now." With that, I ran back to where John was. "I guess I should've told you that they were related first..." John mumbles. "You knew?!"

"I thought everyone knew! Including you!" John shouts back. I mentally facepalm for not finding this out sooner. How could the brother of my worst enemy ever love me?

your POV

What's up with Alex today? "y/n, why do you hang out with that guy?" my brother asks, clearly annoyed. "Alex is an amazing person. He's extremely talented, funny, and handsome! Why wouldn't I hang out with him?" Thomas stares at me in silence before grinning. "Oh! Does my baby brother have a crush?" I blush and mutter a yes. Thomas laughed before saying, "I can help you ask him out! I mean, I don't like the guy, but I'll do anything for you." I looked at Thomas shocked before thanking him.

Time Skip brought to you by Thomas, the world's greatest big brother

Thomas told me to wait by the school fountain while he gets Alexander. I didn't really know what he had planned, but I know he got his new boyfriend James to help. After a few minutes, I hear a familiar voice. "Hello? Oh, y/n. Y-You left that note?" I turn around to see Alex standing there with a note in his hand. What did Thomas do? "Uh, yeah." I reply, although it sounded more like a question. Alexander looks down at the note and re-reads it, before looking back at me. He smiles and slams his lips onto mine. After recovering from my shock, I kiss him back. "I can't believe you feel the same! I thought you were straight or that you'd hate me because of your brother." Alex says in disbelief after he pulls away. All I could do was chuckle and peck his cheek. That's when we heard clapping. We both turn our attention to a nearby oak tree where Thomas and James were clapping. "Good job y/n! You finally found a lover!" Thomas shouts followed by James whispers, "Finally." I just roll my eyes and bring Alex in for a hug. "You know this means you have to treat me to a date, right?" ALex looks up and smiles. "There's a gay bar Laurens brought me to once. How about we go there?"


"My brother better still have his virginity when he comes home."


(Sorry, this sucked. I may come back and fix this story; change a few thing.)

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