Thomas Jefferson x reader

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Thomas' POV

Who the hell is knocking on my door this late at night? I force myself out of be and shuffle towards the front door. I open it to see non other then my closets friend, and secret lover, y/n. A few years back, y/n got married to woman named Anne. It broke my heart into two, but I understood that we couldn't be together. To be honest, Anne wasn't the nicest person, and she hated my guts. She only put up with me because I was y/n's best friend.

"Hello y/n. What are you-" I stopped when I noticed that y/n had tears in his eyes. I pulled him into the house, shutting the door behind him, and start to ask questions.

"What's wrong y/n?" I ask. y/n didn't say anything at first. I repeated the question, practically begging him to tell me. He finally explained what happened.

"Anne has been leaving the house every night, right after supper. She claimed that she errands to run. Sometimes, she would sneak off while I was working or sleeping. I wanted to know what she was doing, so tonight, I decided to follow her." He begins. I already had an idea of where this was going, but I wasn't sure.

"Go on." I urge him to continue.

"I found her in bed with another guy." I knew it! How dare she. She was lucky enough to win his heart. I would do anything to have him love me!

"It's alright y/n." I mutter, pulling him closer to me. Anne doesn't deserve y/n. y/n was soft spoken yet affectionate. Not to mention his clumsiness was adorable, at least to me. Anne was more short tempered and mainly cared about her status and money. God how I despise her. Maybe even more then Hamilton, which is saying something. To be honest, the two had a few things in common. I shook my head and turned my attention back to y/n. He wasn't crying that much, just a few tears in his eyes. He turns to me and asks, "What did I do wrong?"


"I must have done something for this to happen. Am I not good enough?" y/n claims, looking down at his feet.

"y/n, you are good enough. You're an amazing person! Anne just can't see that." I assure him, staring into his eyes. y/n didn't reply at first, taking in my words. He smiled and thanked me, leaning his head against my chest. We sat there in a silence, enjoying each others company. Should I tell him about my feelings? I mean, this isn't the best time, but I can't just hide them forever. I inhaled deeply, trying to find the right words to say.

"y/n. I know this isn't the best time, but, I've loved you for a while now. I planned on telling you, but then I went to France and you got married. When I returned, my heart shattered when I heard the news." I stopped, trying to find the right things to say. This wasn't as easy as I had hoped. I opened my mouth to continue, but only felt lips on mine. y/n pulled back with a blush on his face.

"I feel the same, Thomas! I married Anne because I believed we had no chance of being together. I worried about the consequences and thought you only saw me as a friend. I'm sorry." y/n apologizes. I just chuckle and kiss his cheek.

"No need to apologize, my dear." y/n lays his head on my shoulder, humming a familiar lullaby. We stayed there for the rest of the night, eventually falling asleep next to each other. y/n, with the help of me and James, divorced Anne after the affair. We went into a secret relationship. y/n even moved in with me, taking the guest room. Things were just like I ad dreamed. Me and y/n were finally together while Anne was out of our lives, now married to another man.

(I had a different idea for this story, but it had a gloomy ending, and I didn't feel like writing anything sad at the moment. So you got this. I might bring the idea for the original story back, but with a different character.)

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