with the fire growing higher

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The thing with Paul Lahote is that he's not only unbelievably handsome but unfortunately he is also really damn cocky.
He can be rather intense too. And with that I mean the boy loses his temper as fast as lightening beats down on earth.
And he is also your boyfriend which isn't very easy all the time with his temper, his jealousy and his dirty mind.
With you being the total opposite of him - being introverted, always trying hard to be kind to others and your mind and soul being pure and innocent - people would rather assume you're Seth's soulmate.
But what was that saying again? Opposites attract.
You balance each other, make each other complete.

Only that sometimes the different puzzle pieces, that you both are, just wouldn't want to fit together no matter how hard you try and when that happens one thing was sure to be expected.
Hell-fire was going to grow higher and higher till it reached heavens wings.

It's not often that the two of you have arguments, you always try to avoid making Paul mad since you know how fast your handsome hot-headed boyfriend will raise his voice and how terrible he feels afterwards for screaming at you.
Only that this time you had enough.

It was a quiet and chill Saturday. Your parents were out for a few days to celebrate their anniversary and you just wanted to relax a bit since Paul had patrol that day but would be spending all day tomorrow with you.
You hadn't even be bothered to change out of your sweatpants that morning. You got up not too long before noon, shoveling a bowl of cereal into your mouth while also trying not to spill milk on the book you had planed on reading that day.
Every few hours you made a little break from reading to watch YouTube videos and check your social media accounts only to throw yourself back in your bed and continue on reading.
The story devoured you, captured you and wouldn't let you go. You loved this kind of books in which you got trapped all too easily in and could escape reality for a little while.

After another few hours, that felt like minutes, the sound of the front door being shut interrupted your reading. Knowing that it could only be Paul, you marked the line where you had stopped reading in your book and sat up on you bed.
The rather loud bangs of his feet pounding up the stairs made you wonder what got him in a hurry. True, Paul was kinda needy with you, like all the wolves were with their imprints, but you had been at his place the day prior and he was not THAT needy. You also remembered that he was scheduled for patrol and afterwards Sam had wanted to have a pack meeting that day.
You were ready to ask him why they were done that early already but when he eventually stepped into your room you did not. The second you had caught a glimpse of his from anger twisted face you knew there was something wrong. But before you could ask him about it or even just think about what could've happened, he slammed, with definitely more force than needed, the door shut are turned back to face you.
"You don't want to be with me, do you?", he asked with his voice tense of anger.
"What? Why would you say that, Paul?"
You were more than confused. You had no idea where that was coming from. Paul rubbed over his chin with one hand while he clenched the other one until his knuckles were bright white.
"Just answer the damn question, Y/N!"
He had started to pace up and down you room still with his fists clenched tight. You could tell he was trying really hard to keep - somewhat - calm but you could also see that he'd soon snap.
Even though you were usually a relaxed person but in that moment you couldn't help but yell at him. He was talking complete nonsense and you were having none of it. Now your were on your feet too.
"I'm not lying, for fuck's sake! There's no reason for me to lie! So stop behaving like a child!"
With that he stopped in his tracks and snapped right back at you.
"Behaving like a child?!"
"Yes, because that's what you're doing right now! Instead of sitting down and talk to me like every mature person would, you're just being cryptic! Come here and just explain to me what's got you all worked up", you tried to reason with him while motioning besides you on the bed for him to sit.
He only rolled his eyes angrily and spitted: "Oh, I'm sorry. No mature person would get angry when they get it rubbed under their nose that their girl would be a better fit with one of their friends, of course!"
"What are you talking about, Paul?"
"Don't play daft, Y/N! Everytime we meet up with the guys you're always talking to Seth, sitting next to him and laughing at his jokes like you're trying to get in his pants!"

By now you were so confused you couldn't grasp a clear thought but the last part of his sentence sobered you up really quick.
"Paul Lahote, don't you dare talk shit like that! Seth is a friend, don't you get it? I'm friendly with everyone of the pack and just because him and I are very much alike, does it not mean that I want to get in his pants - as you gracefully put it. I don't want to get in any guy's pants by the way. Goddamn Paul, I love you! You are all and more I need!"
Your angry scream had turned more and more into a silent plea while also tears have filled your eyes and as you finished talking a lonely one spilled over, running down your face.

Paul seemed shocked. All he did was stare at you, scan your face, for what felt like eternity.
When he eventually came out of his trance he looked down on the ground with his shoulders hunched. He rubbed over his face and suddenly looked like he hadn't slept for centuries.
"I'm sorry, baby. I'm a fucking idiot", he said quietly in contrast with all the shouting just a minute ago. He walked over to your bed and sat down placing his head in his hands.
You sat down besides him and started to trace circles on his back with your hand. "It's okay, babe."
"No, it's not. I should be glad that you put up with me. But instead of being a good boyfriend, I shout at you, accuse you wrongly with a lot of bullshit and even make you cry!", his voice shaked and you knew how dissapointed he was at himself in that moment.
"Hey, Paul, babe look at me, okay?", you spoke quietly and took his face between your hands to make him face you, "It's okay. Do you hear me? I wouldn't want it any other way because then it wouldn't be you. And all I want is you."

After these words had left your lips, he placed his on yours, capturing you in a loving and honest kiss. One of his hands found its way to the back of your neck while the other one rested at the side of your face with his thumb stroking your cheek.
His kiss somehow made you feel how sorry he was, how much he loved you.
It sent shivers up and down your spine.
When you both had run out of air, you parted with small smiles and you knew everything was allright.
He looked you in the eye and whispered: "I love you too. "

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