Chapter 1 - Atlas' new recruit

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I stood surrounded by several White Fang members, with Roman slowly walking towards me.

I'd be cornered, and I had no escape, this is bad.

I had no backup, the few soldiers I had with me had been slaughtered by this little girl with an umbrella.

It was hopeless, I bowed my head sadly knowing this was probably the end for me.

"Any last words?" Roman said, lifting my head up with the bottom of his cane as the little girl put her umbrella to my neck ready to chop off my head.

I remained quiet, hoping that I could delay my death for as long as possible.

Maybe Winter would be looking for me, she was an amazing soldier, shame she's a Schnee, she'll probably end up being married off and she will no longer be able to work for me.

That's a bitter thought.

"So no words then?" Roman said, looking at the girl and nodding her head.

"Hold on a moment." A member of White Fang, a Cat Faunas by the looks of it, said.

"What is it now?" Roman turned around and glared at the man who had interrupted.

The member walked towards Roman and started to whisper in his ear, before pulling out a gun from seemingly nowhere and before Roman could react, he had shot him the back of the head killing instantly.

Everyone around seemed shocked, me included.

He then threw his gun in the air and it changed into a rifle and he pointed it at the other members of White Fang.

"I recommend you run." You could see his sadistic smile from underneath his mask as he started shooting, taking out a member at a time.

The little girl had taken Roman's body and headed for the exit.

Once the grunts had either run off, or been killed, the assailant turned towards me and removed his mask.

"Are you okay?" He said, his gun had disappeared into midair again.

I didn't have words to explain what just happened, I stood up straight and stared the man in the face.

"Just, who are you?" I asked.

"The name is Y/N L/N, and I'm just a passerby." He couldn't have been more than 25, with bright blue eyes that looked almost grey and medium length blonde hair that covered one of his eyes.

"How do you know to fight so well?" I asked again, he was so different but very well trained.

"That's a secret." He winked and passed my my scroll which had been taken from me when I'd been cornered. "You have a lot of messages from someone called Winter, your lover Mr Ironwood?" He laughed, his voice sounded so familiar, very deep.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" I felt like I was asking so many questions as I gave Winter my location so she could get a Bullhead to collect me.

"I'd be suprised Mr Ironwood, I'm a homeless man, and this is my first time meeting you." He shrugged brushing off the subject completely. "What were you doing in this area, its not really safe, especially if your guards were that bad..." Y/N sighed, looking at the fallen Atlas Soldiers.

I felt really sorry for them, I'd let them into this place, I'd gotten them killed.

"I had heard that Roman Torchwich had been hiding out near here, but it was a trap." I muttered and my scroll started to ring, it was Winter.

"IRONWOOD, WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU OKAY!?!" Winter screamed at me, I had to move my Scroll away from my ear.

"Yes, I am fine now Winter, I was saved." I smiled gratefully at Y/N who had started to walk away. "Y/N, stay here, I want to talk to you once we get to my office. It's a lot safer."

He turned back around and shrugged his shoulders before walking back towards me and sitting against a nearby wall.

The warehouse we were in was stuffy but it was safer than being outside.

"The Bullhead will be nearing your location soon, stay put and I will collect you." Winter said forcefully before hanging up.

I sighed and sat down next to Y/N, I owed this man a huge debt, but there was one more thing I wanted from him.



"Y/N L/N, I have something I'd like to ask of you."

We had arrived back at Atlas and I was stood on the opposite side of Ironwood's desk.

"I want you to work for me, you'll become a soldier and by the looks of it you need no combat training and your sebalance is a powerful one." He stated, his confidence refilled now he was on his turf. "I'm always looking for powerful allies."

"I must politely decline." I said simply but firmly.

You see I'm actually super rich, I own a large dust company, rivals Schnee's in size.

That's where Ironwood knows me from, I hide away from reality and most of the time I live on the streets.

My real name is Y/N L/N, my business name is Luke Terkovich.

"Sorry, but I need to leave now, I've got to find a park bench to sleep on." I bowed my head and turned to leave as quickly as possible, however the third party in the room stopped me.

"I'm sorry, my boss isn't done speaking to you." Winter said, placing her arm infront of the door to block my escape.

I sighed heavily and turned back around, I didn't want to speak much more for fear of them recognising my voice and pinpointing it.

Luke Terkovich has never been seen in public, nobody has seen his face, only his voice had ever been heard.

I had my sister working the business, I just own it.

"Y/N, I know your financial troubles, you're homeless and I owe you my life." Ironwood lowers his head. "Please, if you accept this job, I can repay my debt to you."

His eyes were full of sincerity, not something I'm used to from the higher ups.

I gave in.

"Fine." I scratched my head and headed for the exit. "But I still need to find my bench, so can I leave now?"

"There is no need. Winter, can he stay in your dorm until we can get him one?" Ironwood asked outta nowhere, I was shocked.

"Very well Sir, Mr L/N, please follow me." Winter agreed quickly and left the room.

I was suprised she agreed so quickly, letting a homeless guy into your room isn't the easier thing to do.

I followed her out and we headed towards her room.


This is just going to be a side project of mine because you know, why not.

Anyway, Winter is one of my favourite characters in RWBY so I hope I can do her justice in this book.

Oblivion, fading out.

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