Yosemite Yomper

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Watching the lady with the auburn waves hurry away, I took a seat in the cab at my feet.
"Morning." I choked, still in a dreamy haze
"Halloh! British huh, must be new around here right?!" Yelled the spritely chap at the drivers wheel.
"O-oh, um yes I am as it so happens. I'm meeting a long distance friend. You don't happen to know the coffee shop 'Ley's Lattes' do you?"
"Oh my gosh, no way! I love that place. I've just come from that same street funnily enough. I can take you there right away no problem!"
And with that, he yanked the wheel to the right and set off, down through the bustle of the New York.

At a glance, this taxi driver was pretty hard to miss. From a far he looked like a sweet Indian, middle aged man. After unsuccessfully resisting a smirk, I watched him bop his right shoulder and tap his fingers on the wheel to the radio, happily blaring Justin Timberlake's 'Rock Your Body'.  He had quite an impressive long dark beard and matching hair which he had stuffed up into an old red cap which read "YOSEMITE YOMPER" in bold white letters. For a moment, he caught my eye in the wing mirror as I stared at his brightly coloured Hawaiian shirt. It would surely take a moment for your eyes to adjust if you weren't prepared for his arrival. He turned back to me with a big cheesy smile through his cascading beard, "I'm Hasim by the way!" He shifted to one side of his seat and retrieved a mangled looking business card from his back pocket, then passed it to me which I politely accepted.

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I made out. It took me a minute to work out how on earth he got the job with his appalling spelling skills. But I guess all you need is a driving license?
"Give me a call whenever you need a lift, I'm usually around this area anyway." He pulled into a parking spot across the road from the coffee shop. Peering out of the window, I began to contemplate whether it was a good idea or not. But I'd come all this way. I had to. This was the right thing to do.
"Thanks Hasim, I'll make sure to give you a call."
"Goodbye now."
And with that I took my belongings out of the boot and within seconds, Hasim had already sped off into the distance. Leaving a trail of honking car horns and drivers yells. As well as me, stood with my life in a suitcase on the pavement.

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