•Chapter 2•

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*1 Hour Later*

Ally's POV:

My eyes slowly fluttered open. My old tears making it kind of hard to see. I rubbed my eyes and cleared away the rest of the mist. I felt warm. I realized I had a small, old quilt on me. I also felt an arm around me. I turned and saw Austin, just waking up as well. He rubbed his eyes and smiled down at me.

Austin: Hey. :)

Ally: Hey.

Austin: *smiles*

Ally: *sits up a little more* Listen, I'm sorry that you have to chase after me every single day. You know it's probably a big waste of your time. You know that I'm fine here alone...

I wasn't fine here alone. I knew we both knew that. But I'm telling him that because I don't need him wasting his life running after a poor helpless creature.

Austin: You are not a poor helpless creature Ally.

I bit my lower lip, realizing I had said that last part out loud.

Austin: You are my beautiful little angle who is just trying to get through some tough times. But I promise you I will always be here for you. Even if I'm busy. You let me know if you need me and I will come right away. :)

I stared deep into his eyes and slowly felt a smile approach my face. He smiled widely at me.

Ally: What time is it?

Austin: *brings his wrist up in front of him* *looks at his watch* Around 4:30.

I slowly nodded.

Ally: ... Can you walk me home?

Austin: *smiles* *leans in and kisses her forehead* Of course. :)

I gave him another smile. I then scooted the blanket off of us and dragged myself off of the couch. I felt pretty stiff. My eyes were sore from crying. I rubbed them as I stood up straight and stretched out a little bit. Austin followed me off the couch. I turned towards him.

He gave me another smile. Then we both walked over to the corner of the room where we had left our backpacks. I picked mine up and threw it over m shoulder. Austin did the same. We both walked out of the room and down the long staircase. When we reached the bottom, Austin held open the door for me allowing me to exit the building first.

Ally: Thanks. 'she says quietly'

He just smiled and nodded. We both left the building and headed down the sidewalk. On our way to my house, I felt Austin's hand slowly slip into mine. I looked down at our locked hands, then up at him. We both smiled at each other. I didn't mind us holding hands. In fact, I loved when he held my hand. It always made me feel like someone I know and trust is at my side. Then again, him just being with me makes me feel the least bit better.

I stayed close to his side as we walked across the street. My house isn't that far away from the building I go to. Most of the time no one is at home. My mom is gone for a while because of work, and my dad... he just isn't with us anymore. Yea, I think that says it all. We continued walking for a little longer when we finally rounded the corner on my street.

My house wasn't located in the best part of town. It was in the part of town where the street lights never worked right, gangs were behind alleys, dogs always barking, people arguing at 1 in the morning at the bar down the street, you get the picture. My house was an old wooden one. I know it doesn't sound very safe. It's not the safest I'll admit that, but it's a livable home.

We walked a little further down the street until we reached my house. We stopped right in front of it. Austin turned to face me. He just stared down at me. He gave me a light smile. I gave him one in return. Then, I stepped forward a little and threw my arms around him. He wrapped his arms tightly around my back and squeezed me. I hung onto him tightly.

I shut my eyes and took a small deep breath of relief. Like I've wanted a hug from him for so long. Nothing else in the world makes me feel more free than in his arms. I know, I must've said that like a million times already. But I just can't seem to stress it enough. I buried my face into his shoulder. He seemed to squeeze me tighter.

Austin: Stay safe for me okay?

I slowly nodded into his shoulder.

Austin: Okay. 'he whispers as he starts to slowly pull away'

He slowly started to pull away. And then, something happened that I think kind of surprised us both. We pulled our heads back, and then as quick as the snap of someone's fingers, Austin's lips quickly pecked against mine. We started up at each other after that surprising scene. My eyes were locked on his. He seemed to be just as shocked as I was. My jaw was hanging open. His was too. I think we were both looking for an explanation.

Austin and I have never kissed before. This one was, so sudden. Did he even mean to do it? Was it an accident? Maybe it was just an honest mistake... But then, his hands slowly came down to my waist and my hands slowly slid to the sides of his neck. He ducked his head down and crashed his lips down onto mine once again with even more force. He pulled our bodies right against one another's. There are two main emotions running through me right now.

1: Probably surprised. I would've never through someone would actually be cool with the fact of kissing me. And Austin and I weren't even just kissing. This kiss is deeper than I would've thought a regular kiss would be. Granite it's not making out, like all that tongue to tongue crap. No, this was a deep kiss, but a slow, gentle one as well. And 2: Love. I know that Austin is my best friend. He has been for a real long time now. Almost everyday, he tells me how much he loves me. But, did he really mean it?

I always thought it was just something someone would tell their best friend. But, maybe... just maybe... in his case, could he really have meant it? I wrapped my arms more around him as his lips continued to kiss mine. I felt his arms wrap entirely around me. Then ever so slowly, our lips slowly pull away from one another's. I felt his forehead lean against mine. I felt his hot breath against my lips. I looked up into his eyes.

His arms kind of unraveled from completely around me to holding my waist. I slowly brought part of my arms back to me, but my arms were still locked around his neck. We stared a each other for a little bit. Then, I saw a smile slowly start to creep up on his face. I have him. Light smile too. He gently cradled us back and forth.

Austin: Sleep well. :)

My smile grew bigger. Then he pulled me in for one last quick hug. I relaxed my eyes. I couldn't help but smile into his shoulder.

Austin: *whispers in her ear* I love you Ally. :)

I smiled wider.

Ally: I love you too. :)

I heard him breathe a small laugh. We slowly pulled away. He gave me a few more pecks on the lips. I smiled as he rested his forehead on mine. Then we slowly pull away. I start walking up my driveway. I reached my front door. Before I headed inside, I slowly turn around and give Austin a small wave. He smiled and waved at me too. Then I slowly pushed open the door and waked inside.

I set my bag down on top of my table. I kicked off my shoes and jogged up the stairs into my room. I flopped back first down onto my bed. I stared up at the ceiling and smiled to myself. And this time, it was a real smile. A smile that only Austin can make appear.

He seems to have that spark of magic that just seems to make me smile. And me smiling, that doesn't happen too often. I relaxed my eyes and smiled again. I think, I finally found someone who actually loves me. Not someone who just says it to make me feel better. But to actually mean it. It's a good feeling. A really good feeling. I just hope it never disappears.


Hello guys!! I know this chapter wasn't long I'm sorry. :P But what do you think so far? U like it? Hope so! Lol no jk. But I hope to update soon. Until then, Im out!


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