•Chapter 3•

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*The Next Morning*

Austin's POV:

I sat at the kitchen table eating breakfast, with only one thing on my mind. Only one girl, as I should say. I smiled just thinking about her brunette locks of hair flowing down my her shoulders. Her glowing smile that will just brighten your day every time. That adorable giggle of hers. Her big chocolate brown eyes that you'd start getting lost in if you stare into them long enough. But, there is one thing that I really admire about her. Her strength.

No, I'm not saying she's able to pick up a car with one hand and throw it across town. Not that strength. I mean the strength she has on the inside. I swear, she has to be the most bravest, strongest, most incredibly powerful girl in the whole world. She may not have superpowers, but she's my superhero. She may not have a fancy dress or a pumpkin carriage, but she's my princess. And she may not be dead, but she's my little angle. But most importantly, she's my beautiful Ally Dawson.

And I love her so much. The only thing that just kills me is when I have to watch her cry. Everyday, every time I see her, she's in tears. Nothing can possibly break your heart more if you watch your best friend cry. What bugs me, is how people have the nerve to go up to this sweet, innocent girl and just start putting her down. It's terrible. The one word that always runs trough my mind while comforting Ally after school is, why? Why do the bullies do what they do? To her, and to everyone. I just... don't understand.

Ally's POV:

I had just dragged myself out of bed and quickly gotten changed into a simple t-shirt and jeans. It was a bit colder outside this morning, but I don't own a jacket. It's stupid really, but, I guess I'll jut have to deal with it. I finished chewing up a banana that was left on the counter and threw away the half brown, half yellow peel. I filled up a small cup of water and slowly drank it down. After I finished that, I went over to the table and grabbed my backpack. I swung it over my shoulder and then tied the shoelaces on my converse.

I could already feel the cold breeze from outside. I rubbed my bare arms before opening the door and stepping outside. Once I pulled the door open, sure enough the morning breeze hit me right in the face. I took a deep breath as I walked out into the morning air. I yanked the door shut behind me. I slowly jogged down my driveway then came back to a walk when I came onto the pavement of the sidewalk. I looked around at everything.

Everyday I thought of the same question. Why am I here? What purpose do I have in life? Do I even have a life worth living for? Some days I wish I could just end it. Today, I'll just have to wait until my living hell of a school tortures me enough to get me to the point where, I just no longer want to put up with anything. There was, one day... I remember it was only last year. I had actually thought about ending my life. Ending the pain. I remember crying at first... what was I crying about?

I think it was just kids humiliating me in the halls. I remember, they pushed me up against the lockers and just smacked me around 'til I hit the floor. I remember seeing my hands arms arms with bruises and scraps and earlier cuts cause by me. Then, I remember jut storming off down the hallway. I didn't say anything to anyone. I just pushed through the crowd..


(Still Ally's POV)

Hot tears down my face, blood escaping the cuts and scrapes from my arms, everyone laughing at me, yep, just your average day at school. I was pushing through the crowd. I heard laughs and murmurs everywhere. And I knew exactly what they were laughing and murmuring about. Me.

I turned the corner and bursted through an empty storage room. I threw everything of mine on the ground, leaned up against the wall and cried. I just bawled. What else could I do? Go out there, put on a happy face? Smile? Yea, great. I looked around at where I actually was. I realized it was the art supplies room. Then, something caught my eye. An art tool. You know how, some people have little, cutting knives in their pocket? And if they have to open up a box or a, package they just... fling it right out. Yea, that's what I'm staring at.

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