Chapter 17 - I've Become So Messed Up

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Dedicated 2 SusieMeep for being epic xD

I'm unhappy with this chap. Mainly because I've been reading such amazing fanfics lately and I feel bad about my own ;-; I uploaded like I promised though! I hope this is action-y enuff 4 u guys, next chap is gonna b huge though!

Please don't b ghost readers. I'm not just saying this for comments and votes, I'm saying it cuz I feel better about my work when I know there're people reading it. Just saying u liked it or just voting would make me so happy!

On vacation xDDD Here 4 3 weeks, bad Internet connection but it's something!


"The rules are the same as in the preliminaries. The match will go on until one of you dies or gives up. If I determine that there is a clear winner I may stop the match. But only I will make that decision."

This was it. It was time. The match everyone's been anticipating for, what so many people came to see, was starting. Everyone was so excited they didn't even speak so I was able to hear.

Even Anna stopped talking! I know, it's amazing. She got bored talking to me and, after telling me I was an antisocial duck, she floated away somewhere more entertaining. Even though I'm not sure what she meant by "antisocial duck" I'm grateful she left. All I wanted to focus on right now is this match.

"Fighters, to the center." Gaara and Sasuke both stepped up. Gaara wore a vicious grin which Sasuke returned with a slightly confused and unsettled facial expression.

Sasuke's at the disadvantage here. He didn't get to see Gaara fight because he was in the infirmary during his match with Lee. Gaara's at the advantage now since he saw Sasuke fight. Everyone was given a month to train and get new techniques but Gaara still got an idea of Sasuke's fighting style. Since he's at the advantage he'll win. Right......?

"Begin!" The Procter brought his hand down, signaling the start of the match, and leaped out of their way.

Sasuke didn't lunge at Gaara or start a jutsu so Gaara started himself and let his sand leak out of his gourd. He was really impatient.

Sasuke's eyes widened at the sight and he jumped a few feet away. This was his first time seeing Gaara's sand in action. Gaara was about to attack but suddenly froze, lips parted in a silent gasp. He grunted in pain and, black outlined eyes shut tight, he gripped the side of his head.

Uh oh. This isn't good.

Every time this happened it was followed by him going on rampage. Once it was after his match with Lee and the other time was when I found him and he tried to attack me. What triggered it? I have no idea why he attacked Lee in the hospital that day. I know that day when he tried to hurt me was because of the full moon which roused his "inner demon" What was causing it this time?

"Don't get so mad at me...." My eyes widened at the choked plea from Gaara. What was he talking about?!? His whole body shook violently and his breathing was uneven and cut off. Despite this a sinister smirk was painted on his lips. "Mom....."

Mom? Isn't his mom dead? "Back there.......Back there I made you absorb foul blood....." He must be talking about those ninjas he killed earlier. It sounded like he was talking to his why'd he call it mom?

"I'm sorry......" More and more sand piled above him in the air. "But.....this'll taste better."

Gaara......This is bad. His dwindling mental stability has reached it's end and now he's out of control. He needs to relax, calm down, stop fighting. But at this point he can't turn back.

He trembled violently and the sand around him dropped. Panting, he managed to gain something akin to composure. "Come."

Sasuke hesitantly stared, unsure if it was okay to come near Gaara. It was either he charged at Gaara or Gaara charged at him. It'd be better to fight offensively against Gaara instead of defensively so his deadly sand would be protecting him instead of attacking.

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