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Shane POV

Suho dragged me from the house to the park " where did you three go?" He ask with a serious voice "At the park , zoo , and ice cream shop" I said "and you didn't think about telling me?!" His voice slightly started to raise "Why would I tell you?! You will not even let me go out Tao is only the one who let us out !" I yelled back

" Do you even now how worried I was to you?!" He yelled "Oh you were worried?! I didn't know the most spoiled brat Kim Junmyeon know that the word worried exists !!" I yelled (A/n: I'm sorry about the word to Suho biased out there I'm sorry ✌✌)

"Oh really who is spoiled to the both of us Shane?!" He yelled back first I was hurt but then my blood started to boil "Tch..... You can't even answer it your being a bitch don't you know ? Your being a slut who is dating the man's best friend " he said I looked at him with teary eyes but I stopped it "Then fine I'm the spoiled brat I'm everything negative to you right??!! You should fined a new girlfriend who is positive for you..." I said and walked away I can here Suho yelling my name but I ignore it and ride a taxi on my way home

Krishna POV

Kris keep on dragging me in my room "You shouldn't have ask if you really want to go out !!!" He yelled "Me and Shane already asked you how many times right but it seems like you don't trust me enough!!" I yelled back

"Don't be such a child Krishna I didn't say that I don't trust you!" He yelled back "Oh...Really Wu Yifan?! Prove yourself that you trust me then go ahead picture all the memories that we have and tell me when is that day that you trust me!," I yelled

"You know Kim Krishna I don't trust a bitch and a slut like you!"he yelled I got silent for a while "A bitch huh? Then you shouldn't never date a bitch like me ! And it's my mistake to date a Manwhore like you--" I didn't finish my sentence when he slapped me now I am looking at the floor

I look back at him now he look shock "I'm s-sorry " he stuttered I looked away "get out" I said coldly "K-krishna --" he didn't finish his sentence when I cut him off "I just said get out!!" I yelled and started pushing him when I fully pushed him I closed the door and locked it I laid at my bed and curled into balls and crying myself to sleep

Shane POV

"Shane open the door!" I can here Sehun yelling outside of my room "Leave me alone!" I yelled back I heard him sigh "Just eat please " I heard his voice soften I sigh and slowly opened the door I looked at him as he entered my room he put the food at the table beside my bed

He walked towards me and pulled me in a hug "if you need anything tell me " he whispered " I don't need anything Sehun I'm fine " I said "Are you sure ?" He asked I nod he pulled away from the hug "if you finish eating take a shower you smell stinky " he said I hit him with a pillow and smiled for a little

When he get out he looked at me for a while and smiled and closed the door I felt a pain in my head I groaned in pain while pulling my hair  "Fuck..." I breathed I tried to get up but end up falling I sigh

"It's back"

Krishna POV

I accidentally hit mine and Shane's picture it fell and the picture frame scattered into pieces I sigh and slowly picked up the glass and accidently cut my thumb "Fuck..." I hiss in pain I get up and go to the bathroom and wash my hand I look at myself in the mirror

I saw a very red mark in my cheeks I gently touch it and hiss in pain "Noona?? It's me Tao I brought food for you!!" He said I sigh and put a bandage in my cut I slowly opened the door and saw him with a tray he entered my room I locked

He looked at the pieces of glass in the floor "Just eat Noona I'm just gonna clean this " he said and smiled I smiled a little and eat

It sucks to think that my own brother is not here for me....It sucks to think that Tao is the one who take care of me always Tao to the rescue.... Good for Shane that her brother take care of her... But where's mine?? He not even talking to me he really thought that I'm cheating on Kris can't they see that I only see Tao as a Brother??

I guess it's hard for them to understand that because there stupid enough to think that way.... "Noona you okay??" Tao ask and go to my side "Yeah I'm fine " I said "are you sure?" He ask again I smiled lightly " I'm fine Tao " I said "okay then your finished eating so I'm gonna take this and Noona.....Take a shower you smell stinky "he said and smiled cheekily and go out of my room "Yah!" I yelled and smiled

I closed the door and locked it "Thank you for being a sunshine Tao My little innocent panda " I whispered and go to shower

Shane POV

*Next day*

"Are you sure you can go to Krishna's house with me??" Sehun asked again "Yes how many times do I have to repeat myself Sehun?" I asked he sigh and nod and started driving

When we arrived he ring the doorbell and Tao opened it "Shane how are you ??" He ask I smiled lightly "I'm fine where's Krishna?" I ask I can feel the boys eyes on me even Suho "she's upstairs "Tao  said "Shane can you do me a favor?" He asked "Sure " I said he give me a tray with food "can you give it to Noona I'm pretty sure she's taking a shower right now " he said I nod "Sure " I said and go upstairs I knock to Krishna's room "it's me Krishna it's me Shane " I said the door quickly opened

"Shane!!"she said in excitement and was about to hug me but I stopped her " you can see that I'm holding something right?" I said she smiled cheekily I entered her room
I put the tray in her desk " so how are you?"I asked

"Let me ask that to you How ARE you?" She said "I'm fine " I said I felt a pain in my head again but I didn't mind "So what should we do?" I ask again "Umm...I don't know " she said

We heard a knock from the door and it was Baekhyun and Chanyeol "Do you guys want to go out with us for a while??" Baekhyun ask "Sure " me and Krishna said Krishna change into a (Pic above)

The way to the park is silent I felt a pain in the head again "Make a stop for awhile Xiumin oppa " I said he nod and stopped the car "Excuse me " I said and and get out of the car I saw a public CR so I entered in it I looked at myself in the mirror and I felt a pain in my head again I drink a pain killers

"Shane are you really okay in there?" I heard Suho's Voice say I rolled my eyes and opened the bathroom door and looked at him "I'm fine " I said and go back to the car he followed behind

Hi guyss this is all for today I have a little writwrs block so please support it don't forget to vote and Comments some idea 😉

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