The End?

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Kris POV

When Suho already entered a blue door I entered the Red one it's a maze that you have to pass through everywhere you go there's a TV that you can see what is up to with Shane and Krishna Shane's is in a box and the water is starting to go up

If I can save one of them I'm gonna be okay I trust the others that they can find one of them I saw a door and I quickly run to it and it's was a empty room and the door automatically closed and I tried to open the door but it won't move

"Fuck!" The TV in the room opened and it was Kevin he laughed evily "So weak you see what can love do to you?,it changed you from being the strongest to the weakest Kris " he said my hand turns to fist "YOU ASSHOLE!!" I yelled

He laughed again "Enjoy the movie Kris Enjoy how your lover die " He said and the TV went off and change It was Krishna And Shane The water is now on their shoulders "FUCK KEVIN STOP THIS!!" Shane Yelled

Chanyeol POV

I entered the White Room it's a maze "What a wise asshole he is "I mumble underneath my breath while walking in the maze I heard someone behind me "Who's there?" I said while pulling my gun out I continued walking

Suddenly "ahhhh!!" Baekhyun Yelled "Oh my ghadd baekhyun what are you doing here??" I asked "Huh? The door that I entered connected here so I was shock that I saw you here " he said

"You scared the shit out of me Baek " I said and chuckled lightly "Well your lucky I didn't scared the shit out of you literally " he said we both continued walking

Suho POV

I entered a room which has Krishna in a big box what the actual fuck?! I turned towards that box and punched it , it cracked a little I punched it even harder and it cracked and all the water flow out with Krishna

"Shit" I whispered underneath my breath I come towards her and hugged her "Krishna Wake up please " I said and lightly slapping her cheeks she still didn't move I didn't have a choice but CPR her she woke up she cried "Oppa Where's Shane?! Oppa!!" She yelled

I carried her bridal style and walk out of the room I saw Baekhyun and Chanyeol "Hyung!" Chanyeol yelled I gave Krishna to her I kissed Her forehead "Oppa will be back with Shane okay??" I said she smiled weakly "Baekhyun Chanyeol" I said "Yes Hyung?" They both answered "Get out of here " I said they nod and quickly left

I go to the other side of the maze I heard a loud bang in the room so I quickly runned towards it if it's one of the boys I'm gonna kill myself I kicked the door opened at it was Kris all along trying to open the door "Are you okay Kris?" I ask

"I'm fine thanks for saving Krishna it's should be my job" he said I smiled "it's also my job she's my sister " I said he smiled we continued searching for Shane until "A-ahhhhh" we heard her I thought she's in a water how can she yell?

Shit! Me and Kris even runned faster until we found another room we saw sehun punching Kevin while Shane is crying at the side I came towards her and hugged her "Your awake "I said and hug her tightly "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE " sehun yelled while still punching the hell out of Kevin

I held sehun up "Your Game is Over Kevin " I said "Oh really I don't think so " Kevin said and Pressed a button "BOMB!" Shane yelled I quickly carried her and We all Runned while we are running we bump into the Others

"Your Awake!" the Others said "No time to Chat there's a bomb let's go!" Kris said and we continued running we all got out and saw Chanyeol and Baekhyun with Krishna in the car "Hurry!!" Chanyeol yelled

We all entered the car and Chanyeol immediately drived and that was a timing that the bomb explode we all went silent "Ohhh that was cool!" Kai cheered we all chuckled sehun hugged Shane "I miss you sissy " Sehun said and kissed Shane's forehead "I missed you to Sese" Shane said and hugged sehun tighter

"Yah! Your wet!" Tao said and Pulled Shane and gave her a Jacket well let's say I'm jealous tch that punk "Someone's jealous " Kris said and smirk  while pulling Krishna closer to him "I'm not jealous " I said "Ohhh.... Did you got hitted Suho?" He tease

"Shut up Kris " I said he smirk "Okay "

"Finally home sweet home!!" Baekhyun yelled Shane hit him in the head "So noisy" she said I put my hands on her shoulder "his always noisy " I said she smiled "I know" she said

"I want to eat chicken " Kris said "But Chicken is not your style" Krishna said

Shane POV

Happy to be wide awake and I wish I won't die ....... "Shane Let's go " Suho said and Held my hands "Huh? Where?" I ask "Of course inside the house " he said and we both get in the house "Shane I'm gonna call mom that you already got out if the hospital okay?" Sehun suddenly said "Okay oppa " I said

I changed into A big T-shirt and Krishna shorts the T-shirt is from Suho "Shane Help me cook" Krishna suddenly said I got up from the couch and go to the kitchen

"What should we cook??" I ask she smiled evily and put a whipped cream in my face "Yah!" I yelled she giggled and runned away I grabbed the whipped cream and runned after her

Krishna POV

"I'm sorryyy!!" I yelled she didn't listen and keep on putting whipped cream in my Face and runned away and hide behind Suho's Back

"You little Girl!" I yelled "Well I'm sorry Granny ! " She tease


Sorry for not updating for so long lol😂😂 peace

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