I miss him

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Krishna POV

"Shane! Are you really okay?" I ask her "Yes I'm fine " she said and smiled I know her smile is force "are you sure?"I asked "I'm fine " she said "We are here!" Luhan said we all got out of the car we go to the park I also bring my camera with me

I took a picture of the boys and I noticed that Shane is only sitting in the chair and looking down gripping in the hand chair tighten I came close to her "Are you really okay?" I asked she nod "Can I borrow your Camera?"she asked I nod and gave it to her she took a picture of Tao and Kai and also  Sehun and Luhan

She smiled she suddenly stopped when she suddenly gritted her teeth like she was stopping some pain and she almost lost balance but I catched her "Are you really sure?" I asked her she smiled and nod

Okay now she's getting weird

Suho's POV

I regret yelling at her....It's my fault I was overreacting to a lot of things I saw she was about to lost her balance but good thing Krishna catched her "are you okay hyung? " Sehun asked "Yeah I'm fine....What's wrong with Shane?" I ask "I don't know I always see her at her room pulling her hair but she always say that it's just a headache " he said

Kris POV

I looked at Krishna assisting Shane well Shane almost lost her balance again I wanted to talk to Krishna but all she do is look at me and be savage more savage than Yoongi and Yana I looked at Krishna she looked at me and rolled her eyes

See the sass?? "Guys I have to go" Shane suddenly said and give the camera back to Krishna "Where are you going?" Sehun asked "Ohh....Can you come with me Sehun oppa?" She ask "Sure "Sehun said "Can I come?" Krishna asked Shane shook her head and smiled

"I will tell you Soon don't worry " she said the way she said it felt weird

Sehun's POV

"Sir drive to the hospital " Shane said to the driver the driver nod "What are we going to do in the Hospital ?" I asked at her she smiled "You'll see oppa " she said and smiled "your giving me creeps Shane " I said she only smiled

We arrived to the hospital Shane lead the way she entered a room I read the sign
Dr.Kang what is Shane doing to a doctor for Brain cancer or brain tumor ?? I entered the room I sit in a chair while Shane being interviewed "How are you feeling today Shane?" The doctor "Fine but my head started to hurt like months ago " she said

Does that mean it's back?? , She wont possibly leave me right?? , "Hmm... Have you been stress lately?" He asked again "Well kinda?" She said "Well Your Brain tumor is back......But it can be stopped if you stop being stress " the doctor said my heart stopped a beat "Brain tumor?" I questioned

"Yeah....But  I would like to give a medication for Shane and Shane I want you to not stress yourself it will make this easier and if this continue your gonna enter a very dangerous level for Brain Cancer " the doctor explain "but if you want we can do a operation but at this operation your life is risky 10℅ you will be alive but there's 90℅ your gonna die " he said

Shane smiled "I prefer living my life thank risking my life for a operation " she said "your a strong girl Shane " the doctor said "how many days do I have doc?"i asked "I'm sorry to say this but only 3 months " the doctor said

me and Shane go out of the room I looked at Shane and hugged her I cried she rubbed my back "o-oppa ....s-stop c-crying y-your-r gonna b-be okay " she said I can feel her cry and sob "Shane how could you??" I ask "How could you......We both promise when we were a kid we will never leave each other side how could you....." I said she sobbed even harder

"Let's go oppa " she said and pulled from the hug I looked at her and smiled weakly we go home I cooked lunch for us I called Shane from upstairs but she's still not coming down I runned upstairs I saw her sitting at the corner of the room pulling her hair I runned towards her "Are you okay " I said starting to panicked

I carried her and make her sit in her bed I grab some of her pills and go downstairs to get water and Food I make her eat first and make her drink water and make her drink her medicine "oppa stop stressing yourself I'm fine okay??" She said I smiled weakly

"Okay only for you Shane " I said she smiled and hugged me I hugged back at her

Krishna POV

*Two days later*

"Where's Shane sehun she hasn't come with us 2 days ago " I said he sigh "Umm....She's with mom working with something..." He said well the way he say it his obviously not telling the Truth "Okay..." I said he smiled

Shane POV

"Mom I'm okay stop worrying " I said she even cried harder I sighed "How can you say that your okay I'm that state?, You already entered the most dangerous Brain cancer " my mom said is sigh " Please Shane just take the surgery " she said

"Mom look if I take a surgery we are not even sure if I will survive I would prefer living my 3 months with you than minusing it right?" I said and hugged her "Mom please be happy for me I will be always with You " I said

"How can I be happy? " She said "Just remember me " I said I thought about something or someone but all I can think is that I miss him.....

Suho POV

I'm getting worried I want to see Shane but I know that she will push me away I got up and the guys and Krishna looked at me "Where are yo going?" Xiumin ask "Somewhere " I said "Tch... Probably thinking that Shane is cheating on him because she's a slut " Krishna said and looked at me coldly and go upstairs

The sass.....Tch... I got out of the house and drive my to Shane's house well she's my girlfriend we didn't end our relationship so she's still mine I knock at the door and Mrs.Oh opened it she smiled weakly "Get in Junmyeon " she said I smiled and go upstairs the thing is she didn't know that me and Shane had a fight

I knock at Shane's door the door slowly opened "Mom I told you to take a res--" she stop what she was saying when she noticed that it's not her mom "What are you doing here suho ?" She asked "can I get in first ?"I asked

She rolled her eyes and fully opened the door I entered her room and the desk was a mess but the floor is clean she sit in her bed I sit beside her "How are you?" I asked she looked at me for a while "Fine" she said I gently grab her hand and interwined it with mine "I'm sorry" I said

She looked away "it's fine..... " She said and pulled her hand "Are you sure that you already forgive me?" I asked she shrugged her shoulder I sigh I pulled her to a hug I hide my head in the crook of her neck I started crying she sigh and hugged back

"P-please d-dont l-leave m-me"

Cliffhanger lol😂 you can handle it love it😍

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