Chapter Thirteen

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Percy and Scott carefully hid behind a corner, as they saw Chris Argents SUV pull up. Percy quickly went to tap his bracelet before Scott reached out and stopped him.

"Wait let me listen first," Scott ordered. Puzzled Percy simply nodded as he stared at the scene. They watched a women walk out of the ally way and towards Argent.

"What are they saying?" Percy asked.
"She shot someone," Scott informed him, "And whoever it was they only have forty eight hours."

Percy stared at the scene before reaching towards his wrist band again, this time Scott didn't stop him. He tapped it twice and Scott watched Percy's body quickly rap in silver mesh like armor, that covered his body up to his mouth. The only thing you could see were his hands, and the upper part of his face.

"You think that's going to fully hide your identity?" Scott asked.
"No that's why I brought this, "Percy said holding out a beanie which he quickly slid over his jet black hair, and ears. Now all Scott could see was his piercing sea green eyes, which seemed to glow brighter with his suit of armor around him.

"Which me luck," Percy stated as he sprinted off to get in front of the car. Scott watched and was surprised at the speed, and silence Percy was able to move at.

Percy came to a stop in front of the red SUV, and he could clearly see the two hadn't spotted him yet. However when the car turned on and the headlights shined on top of him the two hunters quickly bolted out of the car with their weapons drawn on him.

"Hey Argent," Percy waved  his voice sounding very deep and imposing.
"Who are you?" Argent asked, "And what do you want?"
"I want you to stop chasing me through the woods at night," Percy informed him taking a step forwards resulting in the women pumping her shot gun.

"What's with the get up?" Argent asked, "Last time you just had on a hoodie."
"Thought an upgrade would be useful when people are shooting bullets at me," Percy informed the man, "Now i think it's time we had a little chat."

"I already asked you what you wanted," Argent pointed out, "What is it."

"The two betas are innocent," Percy informed them, "And you need to leave them out of this."

"If you think Derek Hale is innocent then you should take a closer look at his eyes," The women informed Percy. He narrowed his eyes at her, obviously they would know Derek was one of the betas. However they had to know it wasn't Derek they shot that night on the night of the full moon.

"If you think about it logically," Percy shot back, "Were all on the same side. We want the alpha gone just like you. But we can't focus on that when we have to avoid trying to be killed by the likes of you."

"If they haven't shed blood then they don't have to be afraid," Argent informed Percy, "The betas lead us to the alpha. If you're trying to end it then tell us who he is."

"The alpha is rouge," Percy informed the Argents, "A wild beast driven off rage. This is our matter stay out of it."

"And why should we trust you?" Argent exclaimed, "Take off the mask."
Percy took that opportunity to un cap Riptide, as it glimmered and showed off the newly found trident engraved in the sword.

"You're a demigod," The women exclaimed as she shared a Look with Argent, "Dont you have bigger and badder things to be looking out for then a werewolf?"

"Kate," Argent warned as he took a step forwards, "You're a son of Poseidon, a son of the big three you shouldn't exist."

"So you know about my kind?" Percy asked smiling underneath his mask, this would make his threat work he was sure of it.
"Yes, I know a lot about your kind," Argent informed him, "Which leads me to believe that we can work together not against each other."

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