Chapter Five (Part 2)

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"So are you friends with Scott?" Allison asked Percy as he drove her home from Lydia's.
"No not really," Percy responded, " I'm kinda getting to know Stiles. But nah not Scott. Atleast yet."

"Oh, why'd he ask you to drive me home then?" She asked curiously. Percy silently cursed himself for answering truthfully and not having a simple lie. Well now he would have to lie.

"Well he actually asked Stiles, but Stiles wanted to go check on Scott so I offered," Percy said, "You and Stiles are really the only people I've had an actual conversation with since moving here so thought it wouldn't be to awkward."

"Hard adjustment?" Allison asked. Percy glanced over at her and nodded with a slight shrug.
"I never really fit in anywhere," Percy concluded, "Except for this one camp I used to go to as a kid. Had a lot of great friends there, it was great."

"Oh, what camp?"
"Don't remember the exact name of it," Percy lied. Even though he was having vivid memories of his quest and all the summer nights he spent with his friends. Now that was all over and he was alone in an almost demigodless world.

"You weren't in second block today," Allison said changing the subjects, " Skipping?"
Percy let out a small laugh. He wished he was skipping instead of having a demigod nightmare of crushing people with his bare hands.
"Yeah, Not a fan of English," Percy responded, " ADHD and dyslexia makes it pretty hard."

"Oh... well if you ever need help you can just text me, here let me give you my number."
She grabbed Percy's phone that was sitting in the cupholder and typed in her number. All the while Percy was staring up at the moon waiting for it to be at its peak. He was starting to panic, if he was still with Allison when Scott turned, things could get very weird and dangerous for this girl very soon.


Scott gripped the sides of his sink as he stared at his changing reflection. His eyes were flashing a bright golden yellow. His mouth was protruding fangs, and as he stared down at his hands he saw claws. He couldn't believe what was happening to him.
Stiles was right, he was bit and turned by a werewolf. But who? If he really had to think about it, the option could only be two people. Derek or Percy. He had seen them talking at the party together. And both of them had this mysterious vibe to them that left Scott a bit uneasy.

His panic increased as he realized he had left Allison and Stiles alone at the party with the top two suspects that could of bitten Scott. If they were also werewolves wouldn't they both be loosing control like he was? Everything he had ever known about werewolves was that they went into an uncontrollable rage during the full moon and killed people. That meant they were at the party, and people were going to die. People like Stiles and Allison.

The door to his bathroom started to open slightly and Scott slammed it shut in fear of it being his mother.
"Scott! It's me! Let me in I can help!" Stiles voice called out.
"No! I'll just hurt you!" Scott cried out.

"It's Derek or Percy! One of them bit me! They were at the party talking to one another! What if they hurt Allison!"

"Scott... Percy took Allison home."

Then with that Scott lost control, he found himself jumping out his bathroom window and onto the ground of his house before sprinting off into the woods. He didn't know how but he could smell Allison's perfume. With that in his mind he made a b line towards it.

Percy stepped out of his car next to a black camero. He had dropped Allison off 5 minutes ago and luckily she had left her jacket behind in his car. He grabbed it and stepped over the no entry sign and started to walk into the woods.

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