The story revolves around 4 adopted sisters...
Kavya kavitha swara and ragini
They are the adopted daughters of shekhar gadodia and sharmishta Bose
When they lost their new born twins baby,they decide to adopt 2 children and adopted kavitha and SWARA..
After few years in 2 different circumstances they got kavya a and ragini and takes them also
Now they are living as a family with full love care and trust....
Ragini is a Dr by profession
Swara works in a reputed company
Kavya is a designer
Kavitha is a reporter...Shekhar and sumi have given their whole love and care,rise them with love...
They didn't make swaragvyatha even a second that they are adopted daughters....
Shekhar and sumi are now searching for best grooms for their princesses...
Maheswary empire ruled by 2 brothers
Durga prasad and ram prasad
Both are blesses with 2 boys each who became each other's support and guide...
Sahil prasad maheswary is a businessman by profession
Sanskar maheswary is a Dr by profession
Nikhil prasad maheswary is the owner of a new channel
Laksh maheswary is a fashion designer and conduct eventsNow let's see what happen when they all meet....
FanfictionA collection of stories...u can see almost every phase of and enjoy...and have a good day.... Together with my published unpublished drafts and all,its already 200 next parts would be in a new book.... OBLASH'S DHAMAKA(SHOTS)...