Baymax The Lovable Condom Dispenser

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I found this on written by kittiekat10105

They were supposed to be working.

And they had been, for a few hours. They worked diligently, making as little eye-contact as possible when they interacted and concentrating solely on their respective projects. Tadashi worked on repairing Baymax from the last little adventure, and Honey Lemon on new compounds she could possibly weaponize (she had declined Fred's suggestion of making a Molotov cocktail as not only would that be unstable and unsafe, but also incredibly illegal). But as time went on and the population of the Nerd Lab began to dwindle, they both became painfully aware of the lack of... alone time they'd had in the past few weeks.

As a result, her visits to Tadashi's lab became more frequent, their study breaks longer. Quick pecks turned to kisses, kisses turned to making out, which turned into groping which turned into Honey pressed up against the table, dress tossed who-knows-where, with her very hot, very shirtless boyfriend kissing her senseless as he fumbled with her bra (she thought about telling him that it was the kind that hooks in the front, not the back, but her mouth was a little busy).

The mystery of the bra was solved without her help, though, and it joined her dress in whatever dimension clothes wind up in when they're tossed unceremoniously across the room. It was some time after this that she ended up sitting on a table with Tadashi kissing parts of her that should not be legal to kiss and when had her leggings disappeared into the mystery dimension?

She could worry about that later. Now, she had business to attend to. She yanked him up by his shoulders, bringing his mouth back to hers. She ran her fingers around his back and shoulders, gently tracing the scars marring his skin while he ran kisses along her jaw and down to her neck in response. He had come a long way from their first time, when he had flinched at the act. His self-consciousness regarding his scars were the main reason they hadn't done it sooner.

She felt his hands brace themselves on the table as he tried to hoist himself up. There was a slight bang accompanied by an "ow" as he accidentally kneed the table, but soon enough he was on top of her and she was fumbling with the zipper on his pants-

"Hello, I am Baymax. Your personal healthcare companion."

Honey immediately pulled her mouth away from Tadashi's neck (that was going to be a tough hickey to hide), and they both turned their heads to see the lovable walking marshmallow of a robot, Baymax.

"I heard a sound of distress. What seems to be the trouble?"

Honey, having gotten over her initial shock, tried her best not to burst into giggles. Perhaps she should have been more embarrassed at being caught in only her panties by her boyfriend's medical robot, but the ludicrousness of the situation only allowed for amusement on her part.

Really, the horrified look on Tadashi's face as he scrambled off of her, hastily found his t-shirt and threw it as her in a desperate attempt to protect her modesty from, again, his medical robot, almost did her in right there. As she slipped the shirt over her head, she eyed the sex flush covering his scarred back and shoulders. She bit her lip as her smile grew.

"N-Nothing Baymax. I just hit my knee on the table. I am sat-"

Baymax cocked his head to the side. "On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?"

"Zero!" Tadashi said quickly. "I am-"

"I will scan you for injuries."

Tadashi shook his head vigorously. "No, really it's-"

"Scan complete!


"You have sustained no injuries. However, you have an increase in endorphins, vasopressin, a rise in heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure, and increased blood flow, particularly to the genital area. Diagnosis: Arousal!"

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