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3 Years later:

'Haru! Wake up it's time for school!' my mom yelled at me.

Why do I have to yelled at to get out of bed? Oh cause I'm the lazy one in the house. hehe. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to shower. When I got to my bedroom I noticed the necklace on my desk. It was the necklace he gave me 3 years ago before he left. He got me half of the 'ying and yang' necklace, I had the ying while he had the other half. It was his going away present he gave me.

I went to my wardrobe and got some clothes out. I got my black ripped skinny jeans with a white tank top along with my green bomber jacket and my superstars. After I got dressed I just put my hair into a ponytail as I wasn't bothered to do it.

I heard my brother yell from downstairs. 'HARU! HURRY UP WE HAVE SCHOOL! AND IT'S THE FIRST DAY!'

Aish, Taehyung you really know how to make noise. I walked down stairs and seen my twin brother sitting there smiling and waiting for me to eat.

'What?Why did u yell?' I asked.

'First, you're slow like a snail. Second, it's the first day of school and we don't need detention' he looked at me seriously.

'Alright. I'll hurry up and eat' I looked up at him. I noticed he went back to smiling. He really does have an alien personality. Well you could say I was the same. hehe.

I finished eating and headed for the door along side Taehyung.

'Forgeting something?' eomma asked behind us.

'Sorry eomma' we said in unison. We both hugged her and kissed her on the cheek.

'Bye appa!' we both yelled and walked out the door. Our appa was busy in his study so we did that to get his attention.

We loved walking to school as it's always quiet. We also love to take pictures along the way. Either of buildings, people walking or the scenery. We're not really picky but the main thing we do, is sing. We sing our hearts out and we tend to get stared at but we don't care.

When we arrived at school we got even more stares but like I said we don't care.

'Haru, Taehyung. Where were you guys?' Jin asked.

Me and Taehyung looked at each other and smiled.

'You were singing again. Weren't you?' Jimin asked looking straight at me and the Taehyung.

We looked at each other again and smiled. We love singing. It reminds us of when our dad sang to us as kids when he owned his studio. I wonder if he stills has that studio?

'We have to head to the principle's office for the time-table's' Namjoon said.

I really hope me and Taehyung aren't separated. We tend to get in trouble if we're in the same class but that doesn't matter. Right?

We all went to the office and got out time-tables. We compared our time-tables to see who's in who's class. I was in the same class as Jimin and Taehyung. Yes I get to be in the same class. I swear I won't cause any trouble this year. Well we'll see at least.

All three of us walked up to our classroom. Along the way the boys were getting stared at by the girl's while I was being ignored. Not really but not in a good way.

'Omo. Look at him.'

'He's so cute.'

'What's she doing with such cute guys?'

I looked at them and grabbed Jimin and Taehyung by the arms and walked into the classroom. They're reactions were priceless. They looked so shocked. We each took our seats and sadly they weren't sitting with me. No one was actually. I felt happy and upset. I'm happy cause peace and quiet. Upset cause no one wants to sit beside me.

Everyone went quiet when the teacher came in. But that didn't stop the girls from talking about my brother and my friend.

'Please be quiet everyone. My name is Mrs. Lee and I'll be your teacher this year' She looked at all of us and turned to the board and started teaching.

I didn't pay attention at all. I just took my earphones out and put them in my ear and listened to music. My favorite song same on: Got7 Hard carry. Then out of no where the door opened up.

'Nice of you to join us. Care to introduce yourself to us' Mrs. Lee looked at him.

He searched the room and his eyes landed on mine. He smirked. Did I know him?

'My name is Jeon Jeongguk. I'm from Busan. Please take care of me' He smirked again. He walked over to my seat as the one next to me was the only one available.

I couldn't believe it. He grew up so much. The teacher resumed teaching the class. But the girls started talking again but this time about Jungkook.

'Long time no see, Haru' He whispered in my ear. He looked up and looked at the board.

This doesn't seem like the same guy I knew. He would never smirk at me. Something seems off about Jungkook.

What happened to him in America?

A/N Sorry I had to republish this chapter. It's because I was having problems with this page.

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