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mangekyou sharingan.

I had awakened the fucking mangekyou sharingan.

But at what cost? the life of a dear friend.

I sat up in my bed as the scenes from last night flashed through my head. I hugged my knees as a tear slid down my face as i remember the last thing he said. "I love you, imouto"

I looked at sasuke sleeping next to me. I can't do a thing about the upcoming uchiha massacre. I couldn't save any of my brothers from the pain, i was useless.

I dressed and left the house without breakfast. I went to the roof of the academy and quietly watched as the sun began to rise. Soon i felt someone behind me.

"Aimi-san? what are you doing here?" it was shikamaru nara, a cute lazy guy in my class that i had never really talked too.

"sorry, i'm probably in your spot" i said as i prepared to leave.

"It's fine, it's ok to have company once in a while." he said as he sat beside me.

He just sat there doing nothing.

"Why are you so lazy?" i asked a little entertained by his laziness. "It's a really bad habit, especially when you want to become a shinobi" i said laying down next to him.

"Laziness is the mother of all bad habits, but ultimately she is a mother and we should respect her." i burst out laughing. What kind of answer was that?

Shikamaru smiled. "Thank you, shikamaru" i said as i watched the sunrise. He probably didn't know it, but making me laugh had really made my day. I rubbed the ring shisui gave me and smiled. I had a lot of training to do if i didn't want to be so useless in the future!


after class i immediately went to the library, i wasn't a ninja yet so i could only get basic books on fuinjutsu, i on't want to say they were totally useless but that where pretty useless. Then it struck me! i could always ask itachi!

With a smile on my face i ran to find itachi, after some time i noticed two people up ahead, That chakra was itachi! I ran up and hugged him, he probably didn't expect me to notice him with his anbu mask on. "Itachi nii!" i said jumping into his arms.

"aimi?" he asked and the anbu member next to him chuckled, i turned to him and noticed him! hound! kakashi! My eyes widened as i froze. Itachi noticed my strange reaction was due to kakashi and said his good byes and began to roof jump me home.

"itachi nii" i said as cutely as i could.

"What do you want aimi?" he said.

"Do you have any anbu level fūinjutsu books?"






"i'll show the clan my mangekyou sharingan!"


Itachi knows that if i showed the clan my mangekyou sharingan they will use me in the coup d'etat. I screamed 'victory!' in my head as we headed home.


Fūinjutsu, a word that literally meant Sealing Techniques.

They were a type of jutsu that seal objects within another object. So hypothetically, I could seal the Ichihara clan in a scroll for safe keeping.

That sounds weird. Let me rephrase.

I could secure their well-being by sealing them in a scroll until the threat is over. The problem with that is, I don't know much about fūinjutsu, and I only had a few weeks left. So I couldn't save them even if I wanted to.

And the powers given to me by the sage of six paths.... can only be used for destruction. I found myself feeling more useless that I had ever felt. All this power yet I couldn't save my clan.

I guess I'll have to carry on with plan B.

Gomen naruto, sasuke, itachi. I apologise for being useless dad, mum, but I guess I have to make it up to you.

I'll miss you guys.

I found myself tearing up, I just had a new family yet I had to leave them again in such away, the world is cruel.

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