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Four's POV

I chose to work in the control room most of the time, and I train the Dauntless Born each initiation.

Everyone was shocked to see that I didn't chose to be a leader. Eric did though. So now there's more piercings in his face I can't count.

Zeke chose to train the Dauntless Born and work in the control room with me, so at least I have a friend to work with.

But I mostly chose the trainer job so I can see her. Tris.

Speaking of Tris, I asked her out yesterday, so I go home and put on a good black shirt and black jeans.

I walk over to Tris's house and knock on the door. Uriah answers it, oh, I forgot he still lived here.

"Hey Uri"

"Four" He says while giving me a nod hello.

"Tris will be out in a second come in"

As I walk trough the door I look around and see a picture of Tris, Uri, and Zeke when they were little. Zeke looks to be 7. They are standing against the railing of the chasm, they're arms around each other. Tris has no front teeth and still those gray-blue eyes like a storm.

Not missing a beat Tris walks out in a black knee length dress and black heels and her hair flattened.

"Well, you look beautiful" I say and she blushes.

"This is awkward" says Uri.

"Then we'll leave" Tris says with a chuckle.

Once we get out in the hallway she asks me "Where are we going?"

"A secret spot I found a few days ago" I tell her.

We reach the chasm and start to walk down the path.

"So much of a secret, I've lived here my whole life and never saw this path!" Tris shouts over the roar of the water.

At the end of the path is a flat rock where I set up a picnic. The rest of the time we sit there and talk. I feel brave like I always do when I'm around her. So I say "Tris would you bet girlfriend?"

She smiles really wide and says "I'd love to."

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