Questions Only Lead To More Questions

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Disclaimer: All Fairy Tail Characters Belong to Hiro Mashima, Tiamat is loosely based on Tiamat from Forgotten Realms which Belongs to Wizards of the Coast, LLC. The traits of the chromatic dragons have been altered to match the dragon slayers in the Fairy Tail Universe.

Chapter 4: Questions Only Lead To More Questions

"Sting, we have a problem," Makarov disclosed to the image of Sting Eucliffe that appeared in the communication lacrima in his office, "Natsu's been taken."

"What?" Sting spluttered, shocked by the news that his hero could have been bested.

"Does it have anything to do with that cult you were telling me about, the Penta whazzits?"

"Penta Dragons," Rogue Cheney appeared in the lacrima beside his Master, looking at his friend with amusement, "Seriously, you couldn't remember the word dragon?"

Sting looked ready to retort, but Makarov took the opportunity to interrupt and get them back on track.

"We're not sure of anything at the moment, but I think the Penta Dragons are the most likely culprits. We know they were following him," Makarov reminded Sting.

"Can you tell us what happened?" Rogue appeared outwardly calm, but his eyes told a different story. They were wide and alert, and Makarov could almost feel that garnet gaze burn through him as Rogue stared at his face attentively, determined to take in every word. It reminded Makarov that the dragon slayers had grown closer since the events of the Grand Magic Games, quickly becoming a family of sorts.

"A shapeshifter pretending to be Erza was able to get close enough to take him."

"That's impossible," Sting instantly protested, leaning forward in his chair, "Natsu wouldn't have been fooled by a shapeshifter, especially not one pretending to be Erza."

Rogue nodded his agreement and proceeded to elaborate, "Even though shapeshifters can change their appearance, they can't imitate a person's scent. It would have been a dead giveaway for any dragon slayer."

Makarov pondered those words, weighing them against what he knew. He hadn't thought about that limitation being a problem. For most humans, it wouldn't have made a difference, but the Twin Dragons were right. Natsu should have picked up on that, unless...

"What was she doing?" Rogue interrupted his train of thought, bringing him back to the conversation.

"According to Gray, she was attempting to seduce Natsu, but he wasn't responding to her advances. Then our Erza showed up and distracted Gray, by the time they searched for Natsu, he was gone. We haven't been able to find any trace of him," Makarov informed them, his tone grim.

"I find that unlikely," Sting muttered, looking very serious. "I mean, who in their right mind would reject Erza?"

"Idiot!" Rogue chastised the Sabertooth Master, "Is that really what you're thinking about right now? Focus!"

Rogue sighed in a way that spoke volumes, shaking his head at his friend's antics, but sporting a subtle twinkle in his eyes. It revealed a fondness that Makarov found endearing, but it was soon replaced with distress as Rogue seemed to realize something.

"Master Makarov, I think Sting was approached as well."

"No, I wasn't," Sting disagreed, his tone leaving no doubt that this wasn't the first time the topic had been brought up, "I've already told you, that was different."

"Right," Rogue scoffed, the sarcasm in his voice unmistakable, "Cause it's not at all strange that Minerva just happened to show up in Era wanting to jump your bones."

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