[ENTRY 015 - 6.24.12]

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Holy flipping waffle cakes it's been a while.


What's up monocles! I'm back and got a BALLS load of info! :D Let's get started!


First up, I FINALLY got my own Minecraft server! :D This means I get to make the rules and the fun. It's currently still being built (SO MANY BUILDINGS! D: ), but when it's done the IP will surely be on here for you multiplayer Minecrafters.


NEXT UP! You may have noticed I hadn't said crap about the music junk in a while, and that's cause I ditched the crap. Who cares. Not like it was going anywhere. 


NEXT UP! Oh balls I forgot what's next. Oh pancakes. Um, hang on let me find my agenda list. 


OKAY! FOUND IT! I recently went on a Minecraft server with a friend of mine, and we griefed the forking CRAP out of every god dang house we could FIND. What's griefing, you non-Minecrafters ask? It's when you go to someone else's house or structure and basically destroy all their hard work. What did this result in? Yup, that's right, Temp one day bans for us both, followed by five days in server jail EACH. Luckily we, uh, talked our way out of it... (;


NEXT UP! I need like $500. GET THOSE DONATIONS POURING. Joking. I won't take your money.


NEXT UP! I want a cat. A tuxedo cat. Cause they kick arse. Big time.


NEXT UP! That five hundred dollars before? That's for some software called Ableton Live. Some of you musical readers will know what that is. If you don't look into it. It's some pretty bad arse shiz. 


NEXT UP! I revently changed my name on here to d3ad pix3l. Three words for that: Name problem solved.


I'm out!



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