Chapter 3

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 While he waited for results of the knife to come back, CJwent to question Jack and Jill.

When he called for Jack he noticed a scar on his pale lips, and an evil glint in his dark green eyes, he was a tall kid. The file said he was thirteen, but this kid easily could have passed off as sixteen or older.

" So, Mr. Jack. Why don't you tell me your history with Charlie?"

Jack had not been told what the questioning was for, so he figured he might as well answer honestly.

"Charlie and I have never really gotten along, he'd always take my baseball if it landed in his yard. Which was often since i'm really good at baseball!" CJ noted that the kid was a bit cocky. "And he was always yelling at us from his porch, he was just your stereotypical grumpy old man."

"Interesting," CJ uttered, pondering what the child had said. " I'm aware that you and your friend Jill like to pull pranks, is this true?"

Jack replied, "Oh nothing more than the usual firecracker at school, maybe the occasional scary face painted on a park tree to mess with the little kids, never really anything more."

"That will be all for today, thank you for your time Jack." As the child walked out the door, CJ thought for a moment while he waited for Jill.

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