Chapter 8: Blaine

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Okay, here is chapter 8! I know there will be at least 1 more chapter after this, but it may be longer. I have no clue! And over 100 reads! you guys are awesome :)

One of my best friends of all time actually wrote this chapter. She told me I could have it and use it how ever I wished so.... here it is!! She is much better at this than me as you will soon see! All credit goes to SnixxRawrs! Thanks so very much!

Chapter 8: Blaine

" So, class, this weeks assignment is quite simple; take a love song from the '90s and transform it to fit your style. Add your own little personal flare to it." Mr. Shue finished,clapping his hands together as the bell rang out.

The full room soon became vacant as everyone hurried out. I grabbed my bag and stood, but a lovely, airy voice stopped me.

" Blaine!" Kurt called, gathering his things hurriedly as I waited. " Will you do me a favor?"

" Yes." I replied instantly.  My quick and eager answer made him flatter, but he continued.

" I already have a song in mind, but I need your opinion."

" What song?" I asked curiously.

" My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion." he stated, blushing slightly.

" That's an amazing choice." I said excited. But I was excited for all the wrong reasons. I was happy that I would get to see my crush perform a great love song, and I could imagine he was singing it to me, not for me.

" And I didn't choose it because I love Titanic." Kurt joked, his face bright with a smile. Then, his face suddenly became serious and his eye brows straightened, seeming to mull over his thoughts.

" What is it?" I asked, placing my palm on his shoulder, want badly to trail my hand down to his waist and pull his body to mine. Kurt stared at me, his teal eyes twinkling with unspoken words.

" I was hoping you would stay to hear me sing it." he whispered, his face was red once again.

" Right now?" I definitely would do anything for Kurt, especially if it involved listening to his beautiful voice. My heart soars every time I hear his incredible singing ability, which I will admit is better than my own. He nodded and without another word, he strutted across the room to the piano and proceeded to sit down. I will confess, I was secretly gawking at his butt the entire time.

Kurt adjusted his fingers on the keys, preparing to begin the song.

Every night in my dreams

I see you. I feel you.

That is how I know you go on

His fingers danced across the ivory keys, and with each note he sang, my heart picked up speed, making my face burn with a blush.

Far across the distance and spaces between us

You have come to show you go on

Not only did my heart flutter and growl, but my pants also became tighter, making me shift uncomfortably.

Near, far, where ever you are

I believe that the heart does go on

I suddenly realised I'd unwillingly moved toward Kurt and was now standing too close as he began a new verse. I was mesmerized at his ease and how he looked so carefree as he continued to sing his heart out.

I tuned everything out except his voice, mostly focusing on his lips. The way he would gently close his eyes and tilt his his head back on the low and high notes sent a tingle through my limbs. I was dazed, caught up in a hormone- induced fantasy, so I disn't hear the last words leave his mouth or the ending ring of the piano. All I was worried about was getting closer to this magnificent boy in front of me.

When Kurt stood up, I showed no intention of stepping back. He didn't even get one word out before I pushed him against the piano, making the strings cry out as I forced my lips to his. Something snapped, my last bit of control dying as soon as our bodies made contact. Without command, my hands snaked their way to his waist, pulling him the last few inches and closing the unbearable gap.

Surprisingly, Kurt didn't push me away; he embraced me, kissing me back. He tugged at my hair, causing me to moan against his lips. He moved his mouth in sync with mine, craning his neck back as I leaned into him, bending his body flat against the piano.

I briefly wandered how flexible he was, considering he was a cheerleader and all, but all thought vanished from my mind when he grabbed my but. I broke the kiss to inhale sharply, the vital oxygen flooding into my lungs. My vision had grown dark, clouded with lust, my thoughts infected with desire and craving.

Kurt's face was a mask of shock and lusted hunger. He grabbed my face and shoved his pink lips to mine, once again affecting my private area. His tongue trailed over my bottom lip, tasting me before working it's way into my mouth. He licked my tongue and groaned with a passion when I responded.

The kiss heated up with every stroke of the tongue, and our hands traveled along eachother's body. It wasn't until the late bell rang that I felt the undeniable warmth spread to my lower half and my body began to tremble. Regretfully, I had to detach our arms , pulling away with his bottom lip between my teeth. I let go, causing his mouth to form a pout when I took a large step backwards.

No words surfaced as I stared, wide- eyed, into his stunning, shimmering blue eyes, which were gazed with longing.

Kurt flicked his eyes to my swollen red lips, then to my rapidly moving chest.

" I- I..... sorry." I mumbled, awkwardly chuckling through gritted teeth. My voice quivered, the deep laugh ending in a quet yelp. 

Kurt kept his mouth agape, his eyes dilated. I noticed his skinny jeans seemed stretched across the front and his pleated purple vest had somehow become unbuttoned.

The air was thick with a thirst we both craved , so I turned on my heals and bolted from the boy I now knew I loved. I ran down the hall, away from all my dirty thoughts and desires. I didn't trust myself to be alone with Kurt anymore, so I put a good distance between us before slamming my body againsta locker and slowly sliding down to the ground. I ran a hair through my curly hair, trying to gather my wild thoughts. I didn't understand how I'd so easily lost control. Was it the way he sang the song with so much emotion, as if he were trying to communicate through music? Or was it just those damn eyes, the piercing, icy eyes that made me weak at the knees? Whatever it was about Kurt, I knew I had to learn to resist it if I didn't want to pounce the next time I saw him. To figure it out, but mostly to get away from the temptation, I resolved to pacing the parking lot. The last class of the day had already begun and small part of me, the unreasonable side, hoped Kurt would burst through the back doors and reassure me that everything was okay.


 Whoo! two updates in one night!!! I owed it to you guys; so here I am, 12:28 am, posting chapter 8!!!

Thanks for everything guys!

<3 :)

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