Chapter 16: Blaine

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YAY! I managed to update on time :) sorry it's so late in the day though. I slept in till noon then my cousin paid us a visit, but at least I got it up!

And, THANK YOU to everyone who has put up with me and my story thus far! Y'all are amazing! I love each and every one of you! Your spectacular and wonderful!

Now, On with the story!!

Chapter 16: Blaine


Shit. Shit. Shit.

That's what my mind was screaming at me the whole way to my house. I rounded the corner and my fears were confirmed when I saw Kurt's Navigator parked in my driveway.

Fuck! What if he got hurt? Or worse... It'd be all my fault! The beautiful, marvelous, extraordinary Kurt Hummel could be hurt because of me. What kind of boyfriend am I to put my boyfriend at risk with my problems? I sprinted up the driveway, only to come face to face with Kurt.

" Blaine." he breathed, obviously surprised by my presence.

" Kurt." I said as I pulled him into my arms. He can walk, that's good.

" What the hell are you thinking?! Do you understand what could have happened?! You could have been hurt! Do you know how that would make me feel? What were you thinking!?" I exploded as he hugged me back.

" Well what did you expect me to do?" he asked as he pulled away. His beautiful features unharmed, thank god.

" Allow me to take care of it! This is my fight, not yours. This is why I didn't want to tell you, Kurt. You could have gotten hurt! Do you have any idea how worried I was?"

" I'm sorry I worried you, Blaine. But if that's what you've been doing so far- 'taking care of it'- by running away, your not going to get anywhere with him. I was thinking I would help my boyfriend. No one is going to hurt you and not pay the consequences. See this from my point of view, Blaine. If someone were hurting me, you would do the same. I know damn well you would have because of Karofsky. The only person who's harmed is the jackass on your living room floor." He said, his voice becoming slightly aggravated and annoyed.

" What did you do?" Worry began flooding over me. I don't want him to do anything he'll regret come tomorrow. He kept his gaze glued to the ground.


" Kurt? Hey, Babe, what happened?" I said, walking closer to him and taking his hands in mine.

" Nothing, just talked to him. Come on, let's go. There are better places you could be until he straightens his shit out." he said, still avoiding my eyes.

" Not likely, Babe. There's no way you walked out of that house like you did after simply 'talking'. And I know my dad. If you even let on the slightest hint of your sexuality he won't listen to anything you say. And that's only if he isn't passed out, drunk on the couch; which he probably was." I retorted. No way in hell my dad would simply 'listen' to someone like Kurt.

He sighed in defeat as he turned around and opened the door.

" See for yourself." he said as he stepped aside.

The sight that greeted me took me by surprise. I let out a small gasp as I took in the sight of my 'father'.

" He's not dead. Just unconscious." Kurt said quietly.

My father was on the floor, bleeding and bruised. I looked from him, a wreaked and broken man, to Kurt, the wonderful and flawless Kurt who had not one scratch on his beautiful body, in bewilderment. My 'dad's' shirt and pants were blood- stained  and bruises littered his face. But on Kurt, not a hair was out a place, not a falter in his wardrobe; not one hint that he'd just been in a fight with a man bigger, stronger, and undoubtedly drunker than himself.

" How did you...." I began, trialing off.

" No one fucks with the people I love. They can pick on me and torment me, but they'd better stay the hell away from my family." he replied, simply.

I stared in awe. I looked him up and down. Tall, thin legs, slender hips, toned abdomen, face of an angel; how could someone who looked like he was hand made by gods do so much damage to such a ferocious man? As if reading my mind he spoke again,

" Looks can be deceiving." he said with a wink. " Can we leave now? Please?" he asked. I nodded and we left my home.


The car ride was silent. We got all the way to his house before he spoke,

" I'm sorry." he said.

" It's okay. But he'll definitely remember it when he wakes up." I said as he parked.

" What? Oh, no, I'm not apologizing for that. I'm apologising for worrying you and not telling you what my true plans were. I am not sorry in the least for what I did to that man. He deserved every hit and had it coming to him for a while now." he said a he un-buckled his seat belt.

" What exactly happened?"

He took a deep breath before answering,

" We started out talking. Then, we were yelling. He called you and I some names, I called him some. He swung and missed, I swung and didn't. That's all. Nothing to worry about. But, I don't want you back there until he changes, get's his act together and figures out what he wants. I'll find somewhere for you and Em." he said, determination in his voice.

" Thanks, Kurt. I appreciate it, but I'll figure something out. I've got a bit of money saved up." I don't want to drag him into all problems. And, if all else fails, I'll go home.

" Nonsense. Come on, let's go inside." he said before kissing my hand and leading me inside.


Short Chapter, I know I'm horrible! But we are down to the last few chapters :'(

And I needed this next part in Kurt's P.O.V.; and because it's relatively long, i just decided to let it be it's own chapter! I'm surprised people even like this story!

If ya'll want some really good stories go to if you haven't already!!

Next chapter will be SOON, I promise!!

Until next time, fellow Klainers!


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