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I've never seen a guy have to give so many autographs, I thought. Damn, he's not all that.
Stupid crowd of humans... surrounding him like that. Maybe I should wait... The crowd of humans is thick, but I can smell him. My senses are hype when Death is trying to tune into me. She's there... well, the information she's giving me is. Garret Dobbinson. Age: 19. Male (of course). 5'11. Race: Caucasian. Short brown hair, and sky-blue eyes. Perfect vision. No glasses. Virgin. DJ. Singer. Artist. Favorite season: Summer. Novelist. Song writer. Dancer. Chef. Great swimmer.
No wonder Death wanted his soul. If I can just make my way to him, I can begin. If this is my chance to prove I'm a good advocate, then so be it. I can't go while everyone is around him... can I? I shook my head, cleared my throat, and switched in my walk. Kristie, Kristie Clockwork, Garret. Nice to meet you. Hahahahaha... This is going to be-
Suddenly, I felt a pat on my butt, then a grab. I turned around sharply. "HEY!" I steamed.
"Whoops!" an extremely attractive man spoke to me. "Looks like that ass got the best of me, haha!" the man bit his lip at me. "You're sexy. What's your name?" he reached out to grab my chest.
"NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" I grabbed his hands and easily threw him to the ground. I stood over him and had the urge to snap his neck, but then, I realized that people were watching. The man groaned in pain on the pavement.
Suddenly, everyone began to clap their hands. I looked around, but I didn't see Garret. I did a hard sigh. Lost him!
"Hey..." a soft voice spoke behind me.
I was about to knee the person where it really hurts, but my knee was stopped by a hand. As the hand gently put my knee down, I looked up. "It's just me." His sky-blue eyes assured me. "No need to fight anymore. That guy was banned by my security a long time ago."
"Well, he's unconscious, now." I shrugged.
"That was a hard throw." he grinned. "Do you work out or something?"
"Uhm... not really. I mean, I like to walk and run."
"Your arm strength is amazing. That was some real bad ass right there." he watched the guy be carried away by the security. "Hey, I'm sorry about that. This rarely happens at my concerts."
"It's fine." I told him. "I try to avoid it myself... I like your shoes. Your outfit looks great."
"Oh? really?" Garret blushed and smiled. "Yeah, it's my brand: Dobbinson. Would you like one?" he asked me.
"Oh, I can't. I don't have any money." I pretended like I was disappointed.
"Oh? No, no, no, I'll give you one for free. It's on me. How about it?"
"Sure." I nodded.
"Alright." Garret took his shirt off and handed it to me. "Here."
Garret had a nice body. His muscles were defined, and the lines leading to his unmentionable were so sleek that I could just slide them down to the inside of his pants. He had biceps and pecks that I could see even before he took his shirt off. It smelled like heaven. His scent... Best smell I've ever met in my entire life. Death never spoke of how charming Garret was... None of the matter; I still have to kill him. He can't be nice for long. Humans aren't like this. Not the men. The women are easy, but the men don't stay the same for long. They will stay hungry, want more, want to get close. This guy? He's no different.
Get your ass focused!
I snapped out of it instantly. I hate it when Death is in my head.
"Hey, what's your name?" Garret tilted my chin up from the ground.
"Kristie." I kept it short.
"Last name?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Clockwork." I spoke sheepishly.
But, Garret didn't comment on how silly the name was; he just smiled. "That's great. You're cute. My name is Garret Dobbinson."
"Nice to meet you, Garret." I smiled.
Focus! Your mission is to take the soul. Take your time, but be careful, or I'll change you, and you'll have to start all over. And, this time, pay attention and don't die. Last time you got sent to jail as Josie Bovdem. You can't fight all the time! This man, your "Garret Dobbinson", is like any other prick you've met. You look at him like I looked at Set. Set moved on, just like you will... when... you... kill... him.
"Can I take you out sometime?" Garret asked me.
"You can take ME out!" a girl screamed. "Take me!"
"No! Take me! Please! Take ME!"
"Shut up!" a girl with a deep voice spoke. "Take me! I KNOW you want to!"
"RUN!" Garret ran and pulled me along.
"Where are we going?" I cried.
This is not going as planned... AT ALL...

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