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"Have you ever been to the SC, before?" Garret yawned.
"No, I have not. What is it like?" I asked him.
"It's great!" he yawned once more. "I love Myrtle Beach. It's great there. I used to go there all the time with my parents... until... until the accident..."
"What? Like a car crash or a fire? Something like that?" I wondered.
"Nothing like that at all..." Garret's eyes began to droop. He stretched for a moment. "I have... trauma from it. I prefer not to... talk about it."
NO! He's tired and hurt!
Stay focused! Don't fall for him, or I'll change you!
There's only one way to get Death out of my head... I have to bleed. I can't take this... I want to kill him... but, not now. Not yet. This boy... he is interesting. I must find out more about this... human. It's almost as if he's—
Suddenly, there was a bump in the road that caused Garret to land on top of me. We were body to body. Garret quickly scampered up.
"I'm so sorry!" he swore. "I didn't mean to—"
"It's fine." I told him. "It's fine, Garret. Are you tired?" I asked him.
"Yeah." he nodded groggily. "A bit... but, I wanted to stay up with you."
"It's fine, Garret." I told him. "Go to sleep."
"I'll show you our room." He led me to the back of the van.
"Our?" I was confused. "I thought you never shared this van."
"With... my brother." Garret spoke sadly. "That's all."
"What happened to him?" PRESS!
"I'd rather not say..." he shook his head.
"Oh, sorry..."
"No, no, no... it's fine. He's not dead."
"Okay..." I looked at the room. "Wait... we're sleeping in the same bed?"
"It's the only bed I have... I'm sorry. Would you prefer me to sleep on the couch?" his eyes began to droop more.
"No, it's fine." I spoke quickly. I can probably steal his soul like this... sleeping in the same bed... yes. But, he just looks so tired and harmless. What does Death have against HIM? I have to, though. If I want to prove I'm a great advocate, I have to kill him... But... NO. Not yet. Not yet... He's just so interesting... I would like to know what I'm dealing with, but soon, I will strike.
"Aren't you gonna lie down, Kristie?" Garret asked me softly. "I promise, I won't touch you."
"Yes. Okay." I nodded.
"Would you like to be on the left side, or the right side?" Garret asked me.
"Against the wall? Okay." He pulled the cover back. "After you."
I slid into the bed and turned to the side, then, Garret got into bed and curled up into a ball. As he breathed, I knew he had fallen asleep. He had to have been exhausted.
32 hours before we get to South Carolina... I know there a pieces I'm missing.

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