Chappie 4

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Hiya! I'm all not all zombyish today! I'm going to the mall and Starbucks like the white girl I'm not! So... Yeahhh. I'm going to put a Malificent moment in this chappie so keep your eyes peeled! Off with the story!


Wow, I always end up sleeping on a couch with Harry, huh. I stand up and stretch. I look around to see that all of the boys are scattered around sleeping. Liam's on the coffee table, Louis' on the floor, and Niall and Zayn are sharing the other couch. Hmmm. This calls for prank time! I grab some markers from the drawers and draw penises and squiggly lines on their faces and sign my signature right on the forehead. I also spray some leftover whipped cream on their hair. I snap a quick picture and hide inside a cabinet in the kitchen. As I play Minion Rush on my phone, I hear them waking up.

"Why does my hair feel so sticky?" "My fingers have smudges from my face!" "Um Zayn, this can be a time when we let you look at the mirror again." "Really? Penises?" "Y-You look UGLY HAHAHA!" "Look who's talking, penis face!" "Who did this?!" They all stay silent. "Alejandra." They said that all at the same time. "Let's find her!" I hear Louis shout. Nooooo! Good thing I brought the blanket from the couch with me. I could cover myself. I wrap myself in the thin blanket and hope for the best. I hear footsteps coming closer to the kitchen. This feels like a horror movie. "Alejandra," I hear Niall's voice say in a creepy way. "Don't be afraid. Come out here."

"No." I say confidently. "Why is that?" He asks. "Then you'll be afraid." I whisper and laugh and evil laugh. I peek out from the cabinet and see him turning around with a horrified look on his face. I poke my head back in the cabinet and do my evil laugh once again. There's a lot of huge cabinets and they echo inside so I know I chose the right hiding spot. I crawl out and walk past him without him even knowing and run off. Suddenly, I crash into a body. Harry. AGAIN. I try to run away, but he grabs my ankle and tugs on it until I fall on my butt. Okay, that friggin hurt! He stands up and throws me over his shoulder. I scream and kick, but that didn't help. "PUT ME DOWN, HAROLD!!!!!" He laughs and throws me down on the couch. He whistles for the boys to come. They start tickling me. That's my weakness. I laughed so hard and I sometimes let out a snort. After 10 minutes, they finally stopped. I think I should have a six pack now.

"Wait! We have to go to the fair today!" I shout. The boys start rushing out of the room to wash their hair and faces. Luckily, I still had my other clothes in my school bag. I wear my blue Peter Pan collared shirt and denim shorts. I put on my blue converse and finish the look by putting my hair up in a messy bun. I don't use make up because it's just the fair and I hate it. The fair has rides that can get you wet. I got ready before the boys do and pull out my phone. Woah. I have 10 messages from Debbie, 12 from Clarissa, and 14 from Dominic. Dayyyuuum! I replied to them saying I'm crashing at a friend's house. I definitely don't want them knowing about me hanging with One Direction. I don't bother to read the messages because I know that Debbie will be super worried and Clarissa and Dominic will just be talking about the boys. I hear multiple foot steps and see that the boys are whipped cream and penis-face free.

"Off to the fair!" We all whooped and hollered. "I called the van while we were upstairs so don't worry." Liam says, being the responsible one that the magazines always say. We run outside and see Paul waiting for us with the same black van I rode in. We all hop in. "Let's go to the fair! Paul, turn up the music!" Louis shouts to Paul. Fancy comes on and we dance in our seats. I record all of this on my phone for memories. I rematch the video again and again and can't stop laughing at the part when Louis accidentally smacks Niall in the face with his arms. "Whatcha got there?" Harry whispers and it gives me the good kind of shivers. Okay, let's face it. I like Harry. And I hate myself for that. There's a million girls throwing themselves at him. There's no way I'm going to have a chance with him. I just show him the video and he laughs so hard that he falls off the seat. I start laughing like a retarded seal that I don't notice that he reaches for me and pulls me down with him. I land on his stomach and it looks like I'm straddling him. It looked like we kissed. The boys in the background are wolf whistling and Harry and I blush.

"We're here." Paul says with amusement in his eyes. I'm the first one to get out of the car. I stand in the longest line in history before someone pulls me away. "We're One Direction, remember? We get to be at the front." Liam reminds me. We get our wristbands and walk in the fair. "Which ride do we go on first?" Zayn asks. "That rollercoaster, duh!" Louis points to the tallest rollercoaster out of the others. We all run to the front of the line. Hold the phone, there's only 4 people with me. Past all the annoyed looks people are giving me for cutting the line, I can see Harry standing, looking scared at the huge ride. I walk over to him and drag him towards the group. "Come on! Don't be scared! I'll hold your hand if you want to." I tease. He rolls his eyes. "Let's just get this dumb ride over with." As we get strapped in, I look over at Harry and see that his hands are turning white from gripping the bars too tightly.

I reach over and grab his hand. I give him a reassuring look as the we start moving. We're already at the top when Harry starts gripping on my hand for dear life. We plunge down at a fast speed and I'm screaming so loud. We go through loops and twists and turns. The ride is done. As I get out the seat, I'm a little dizzy. Harry can't even move! Louis and I had to help him out of his seat and sit for a few minutes. In the mean time, Niall gets a huge amount of food for all 6 of us while the rest, except for Harry and I, go on more rides. I rub his back to help him feel better. Once he feels better, we start looking for everyone. We've been looking for 5 minutes and there's still no sign of the group. We decide to play some games. "I want that little stuffed puppy so bad!" I mumble. We're at a booth where you have to knock down pins with only 3 balls. Harry tries the game and knocks down the pins with one shot. "That little one, please." The booth guy gets the toy I wanted and gives it to Harry. He gives me the stuffed puppy and I hug the life out of him and kiss him on the cheek.

"There they are!" We look over and see Liam, Louis, Niall, and Zayn running over to us with food in their arms. "Where were you two lovebirds?! We've been looking for you guys everywhere!" Liam excaims. Harry and I blush at the name. "Well, we've looked everywhere for you guys, too and just decided to play some games! Look at the puppy he won me!" I chirp. They all look at me, and then Harry. Back at me, and then back at Harry. This happened for a while until they started 'ooohing' and wiggling their eyebrows. I can see Harry turning red in embarrassment and covering his face in his hands in the corner of my eye. I scoff at them and flip them off. That shut them up. I smile. "Let's go on some more rides, eh?"


"Ugh, I'm soooo tired!" I groan. We're all walking around waiting for Paul to come. We called him like half an hour ago! I make an inhuman sound and slide down a light post. The boys join me on the floor to wait for Paul. I doze off when I hear someone snoring. <><><><><> I wake up to see that I'm in a van with the boys. I look at the driver and let out a sigh of relief when I see Paul. "Hiya Paulie." I greet in a hoarse voice. His eyes avert to the mirror and looks at me. "Hello, Allie. I found you guys and I thought you were dead, but then I heard snoring. I had to carry you guys into the van." I blush and apologize quietly. "It's okay, really. I'm used to these boys falling asleep before rehearsals." He laughs. He tells me hilarious stories about the boys. I'm surprised they didn't wake up to hear us laughing our butts off. I like Paul. He's like another father figure.

We make it to the house quickly and safely. "Don't worry about them. I'll carry them in." Paul says. I nod sleepily and slowly change into the clothes Harry let me borrow. When I walk into the living room, I see that the boys are tangled up in the couches. I grab some blankets and put them over the boys. I give each of them a kiss on the forehead and hear Niall mumble a "goodnight mummy". That's so cute! I giggle and put a blanket over me and fall asleep on the floor. I had a weird dream. It's about Harry confessing his love for me. Do I fancy him OR NAH?

Everything Changed: A Harry Styles FanficWhere stories live. Discover now