Chappie 15

90 4 2

Hey mah main chicks! I stayed up all night yolo! I don't know what else to do... Okay, ON WITH THE STORYYYYY!!!!!!


I wake up to curly hair in my mouth. What a GREAT way to start the day! Note the sarcasm. I check the clock on my bedside table. 12 pm. Zayuuuum! I try to jump out of bed to shower, but a pair of arms are keeping me from doing so. Oh, it's Harry. Shit. That time when I was awake! He said he loved me! Okay, Allie, do NOT get your fucking hopes up. It must've been my imagination. I giggled when I remembered that I purposely had a tight grip around his neck, and that might have woke him up. "Hey there." I grin. "Hey beautiful." his raspy morning voice croaked out. I blushed and hid my face in the pillow.

"Why are you in here? Not in a bad way!" I said innocently through the pillow. He chuckled. "You had a strong grip on me. You were like a sloth!" I laughed. "Did I?" I asked suspiciously. I think he got the message because he started laughing louder. "You did that on purpose?!" "Nooooo..." I said sarcastically. "Don't sass me!" he growled playfully. He started to tickle me and I squealed. "H-Harry! Stooooop!!" I screamed. "Hey! No frickle-frackle up there!" Louis yelled from his room. He ruined the moment! Damn that carrot freak! Harry stopped tickling me and just layed there.

"What time is it?" He asked, still smiling. "Umm, 1. Why?" I asked as I put my arms lazily behind my head. His eyes suddenly widened. "Shoot! Your photoshoot thingy!" I laughed a little, but when the words processed through my brain, my eyes widened just like his. "Outta my room! Go change! BOYS!!" I screamed the last part, so the others could hear. I took a 5 minute shower and ran to my room and randomly picked some clothes and a random SnapBack while I had my towel wrapped around me. I threw my old clothes into my hamper and grabbed new undergarments.

I had to brush my hair to get all the tangles out for so long! I threw on black jeggings and a shirt with a Yorkie that had nerd glasses. I decided to put on a black vest to match the look. I finish the look with a white SnapBack with nerd glasses all over. Coincidence? I think not! I shove my phone in my pocket and lace up my white vans. I run down the stairs, skipping 1 at a time, and jumping off the last 5. "DONE!" Everyone laughs at my way of going down the stairs as we get into the van.

"Sup, Paula Deen?" I greet Paul as if it was normal. His eyes widen at the name and I laugh. "Just kidding! Ahh, look at your face! Sup PAULIE?!" I emphasize on his nickname. He sighs in relief. "Phew! I thought you were gonna call me that forever. Sup Allie?" I talk to him for the whole ride while the 5 idiots are having a slap fight. "We're here!" Paulie and I yell. We look at each other and make funny faces. The boys laugh at our faces and run out the van. "Later Paulie!" I hug him. "Later Allie!" He hugs me back and he drove away as soon as I got out.

"Photoshoot, here I come." I say in a weird voice. I run to the building. The boys are fast to catch up to me as I make it to the lobby. "Hi boys, and girl. I'll tell Rick to get ready." the receptionist went to her phone. I run to the elevator with the boys right behind me. I press the number 5 once we get in. I do the same thing I did yesterday and look around in the elevator. Zayn and Liam are looking at pictures in their phone and 'aww'ing every time they see another one. Probably the pictures of Harry and I. Niall and Louis joke around. Every 5 seconds, I hear Niall's cute laugh.

Again, Harry is texting someone. I decided to talk to him. "Hey Haz! Whatcha doing?" I grin. "I'm texting some guys. What do you think about having your first photoshoot?" he changes the subject. He is hiding something! I'll find out about that later. "I'm kinda nervous. It feels weird that random people want to take pictures of you." I confess. "You'll get used to it when you're selling out arenas." he smiles at me. The elevator dings and we step out. We walk to Rick, who's waiting by a door. He sees us and walks towards us. "Hey guys. I actually edit the pictures, so that's why I'm here." he lead us to a huge place with lights, cameras, green screens, and a lot of other stuff.

"Hello there! I'm Lou. I'm the boys' hairdresser." a girl with purple hair walks over to me. Wow, surprisingly, her hair actually matches her. "Hi! my name's Alejandra, but you can call me Allie." I stick my hand out for her to shake my hand, but she hugs me instead. "Sorry! I'm a hugger!" She says as she pulls away. I laugh. "It's okay." "Let's put some make up on you." My eyes widen as I'm being dragged to a table with all these tools. I turn my head to the boys and mouth "help me", but they just shake their heads and laugh. I'm gonna prank them later, just so you know. Lou sits me down on a seat. I'm facing a mirror that has all these lights on the edges.

"Um, am I able to not have any make up? I'm not a huge fan." I confess her. "What? I've never heard a girl say that she hates makeup!" She gasps. "To be honest, you really don't need it, but you just need a little bit for the look." I am shocked by her words. Me? Pretty? I doubt it. "Is what I'm wearing okay for the shoot?" I ask. "Yup. You have taste, my friend." I do a little dance in my mind and feel a brush on my cheek. "That tickles! Wait wait!" I laugh. She smiles and stops when I try to compose myself. I had to keep myself from laughing the entire time. Lou shows me how to use the make up. It took a while for me to understand everything, but I got it in a few minutes.

"And... Done!" I look at myself in the mirror. Wow, I don't look like the cake faced girls. Just a little mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, and lipgloss didn't hurt. "Oh, and here's a tip when you're putting on make up on your own. You choose whether you want your lips or your eyes to be the main thing. You don't want to do both because you'll look like you wear a lot of make up." I nod and thank her. I walk over to Rick. "Ready!" I grin. "Great! Just stand in front of the green screen and do whatever you want." He tells me. I nod and pose with my hands in my pockets. "Good. Another!" I make a peace sign with my hand and put the other on my hip. "Cute! Another one!" This one is my favorite. My side is facing the camera and do a backflip. "Awesome! Do more!" This went on for another 10 minutes until we were done.

I am extremely exhausted. My face hurts from smiling for too long, and my head hurts from all the lights and countless backflips I did. I walk over to the boys. As soon as I get there, the start talking all at the same time. "How did you do so many backflips?" "You were so cute!" "That was awesome!" "You've got to teach me how to do a backflip!" I make an inhuman sound to make them shut the hell up. All that talking made my head hurt more. It feels like I was having my period in my brain. It was that bad. "Can you guys shut up? My head hurts like a bitch and you guys aren't helping!" I groan. "You're just hungry, aren't you?" Louis waves his finger in my face and I try to bite it. "I am hungry. If you keep waving that finger in my face, I'll bite it off." I warn. He had a scared expression and hid behind Harry.

"Hazza! Tell your girlfriend to calm down!" he says with a smirk on his face. I walk over to him and give him a noogie. "Ha! She's shorter than you yet she still gave you a noogie!" Niall laughed. We all laughed along with him when Rick walked over to us. "Are you sure you're not a model because damn you're good!" My face lights up. "Really?" He nods. "I just need you to choose a background for the green screen and you can be free to go." We all walk over to a computer with a lot of wires connected to it. I look at the choices and pick one. "That's the one." I smile. It was me doing a backflip and the background had purple and green zig-zag stripes. He claps his hands together. "Great! I hope I see you again for your own album!" I hug him and say goodbye. As we walk out the doors of the building, I pipe up. "Let's go to Taco Bell!" The thought of eating tacos made us hungry, so we raced to the van and begged Paul to let us eat there.


Hey mah main chicks! HA Kelly! I still updated!!!! trololol!!! That's all. Until then, BAH BYE!!!!!!

Everything Changed: A Harry Styles FanficWhere stories live. Discover now