Listen Asshole

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My head is pounding I've come across my idols and I'm frozen. "Helllllo" Ashton says waving his hand infront of my face. "Oh fuck right..i-i mean um" I say feeling my face flush a darker shade. They just laugh in response.

"We should probably introduce ourselves" Calum says moving out from behind Ashton. "No need" I say at an almost inaudible tone.. Calum smirks "have we got ourselves a fan" he says shuffling closer to me. It's at this moment I realize I probably shouldn't be standing around them, if another fan saw they'd think I'm some groupie and I sure as hell am not a groupie I think to myself clenching my jaw.

It doesn't go unnoticed either. "what's wrong" Michael says taking a step forward. I'm feeling a bit timid but I manage to sputter out the words "I have to go" I quickly turn around and attempt to take of but large hands wrap around my waist and pulls me into their body.

I began to panic..who do they think they are to fucking touch me like that, this is practically assault. I lunge out of his arms and turn around and forcefully kick him in the shin, I look up to see a teary eyed Calum hood and immediately feel guilty..but then rage over takes my body "LISTEN HERE ASSHOLE I DON'T GIVE TWO FUCKS IF YOUR A SEXY BASSIST WITH AMAZING HAIR AND GORGEOUS EYES AND THE CUTEST DIMP-FUCK I CANT EVEN INSULT YOU JUST DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME WITHOUT CONSULTING ME FIRST OK?"

Calum nods "Can I have a hug" he asks seemingly shy I crack a smile and snuggle into his chest. I gaze behind and see the other boys playing with their fingers, shifting from foot to foot, and gazing into the distance. I pull one arm away leaving Calum confused, I open my arms to welcome the other boys and they gladly respond by cuddling into me and Calum nearly suffocating us.

"Ok guys enough I can't breathe"
I say gasping for air once the pull away "Hey we never got your name." I mentally facepalm for the second time today "Shit right I'm Alissa and I'm starving to death so can we go get some food." they all simultaneously frown.

"We have to head to the studio" A weary Michael says peering down at me. "Oh ok" I say trying to play off the massive L I just took..."wait where's Luke" I say confusedly "at the studio already" I nod "Listen we have to go but can we get your number." Calum says scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah sure gimme your phone" he hands me the phone and I put in my number and set my contact as "ALISSA🖕🖕" he giggles and they take off.

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