In all honesty, to me, art is the only thing for every single person to feel connected to each other. Simply stated, many various forms go under the hypothetical umbrella known as art. Some of these being music, writing, painting, drawing, poetry, ceramics, calligraphy, performance, and photography. Words of a language can be used but they don't have to which is what's so great about art. Often times art is portrayed through images, photos, paintings, and drawings. This being an essential manifestation of each individual's artistic expression and imagination. Everyone can have their own opinion, there is no such thing as right and wrong. Maybe the people who think similarly, even of greatly differing background and cultures and ideas, can enjoy the same pieces of art together. The fact that enjoying art does not have to be competitive is a significant thing. This being because every person can express their creativity and imagination in a various multitude of methods and all people can be owed to their own opinion, and enjoy it together. Anyone and everyone can be artistically expressed and accepted and be included no matter what. Not everyone will approve of every single thing that another person does but just always remember the necessity of having decency and respect for each and every individual.
Non-Fictionletters and unfiltered thoughts don't we all need a to vent on the Internet to a bunch of strangers? :) 10/10 angry ranting hf