51- Beast.

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"It's sunset," Finley blinks, pulling me back to the present. "We should probably go."

I have the disconcerting feeling that time has passed me by. I pull my hands back from retying the council wristband around a glistening drop of glue.

"You're right, we should go," I gulp, distracting myself from the broken oath by worrying about Percival's surprise instead.

Finley hurries and I meet his pace, checking my watch and gulping once more in surprise at the time. Where had the last hour gone?

A beat-up caravan sits before the columned entry to the Academy. Two wardens fling open the back doors of the caravan in a waterfall of red dust as we walk by, and within its depths all I can see is a seething mass. Beyond this a small crowd of Huntsmen and women gathers, more than those at the ceremony earlier today. I spot Macie on the steps of the portico, giving me a wave over the heads of the Huntsmen.

I ghost around the outside of the assembled crowd until I can see Percival standing at the top of the steps. Behind him the laconic teen -Stacey's new sponsor- starts to beat upon a waist high drum, made of a single stretched skin. It's more than sound, it's a vibration moving through every part of my body. As the tempo increases I start to feel it compete with my heart, pulsing blood into my temples.

"A celebratory hunt to commemorate your special day." Percival proclaims into the vibrating silence, before turning to cough into a handkerchief. He points to me with liver-spotted hands turned bloody in the dying light. "Nada, as the chosen, you may take the first shot."

I retreat a few steps when all the gathered Huntsmen turn to watch me. Mildrith's face stands out to me, a question in her eyes. I really don't want to be a part of this.

"Just this once," Finley breaths at my ear. He pushes me forward and I reluctantly mount the steps, walking across the portico to Percival and the girls.

I stare aghast at the sleek black shape in his hand. A gun. The huntsmen are scary with fists, I can't imagine seeing a force of them bristling with ammunition. I hadn't seen any guns in the armoury.

As if responding to my confusion Darcell's voice quietly explains: "They're not sacred weapons of ours. Mostly because the high fey that we seek have learned to stall them, making guns useless against them. Also, beasts without blood aren't much harmed by bullets. But Huntsmen are said to find an occasion for every weapon: this occasion is for the handgun."

Keeping my cool, despite Darcell's appearance from nowhere, I turn to see him sidling out of the great hall of the Academy. I take the heavy shape from Percival in cupped hands with wary reverence. Amy catches my eye, flicking her eyes from the gun to Percival. Catching her joke, I fight off a smile even in the seriousness of the moment.

"Release!" cries Percival. The drumming begins again and I fight off a shake in my hands, turning the gun gingerly in my fingers. The Huntsmen melt away from in front of me, pulling out their own weapons, and I watch the opening of the caravan with trepidation.

A giant creature lopes out, dark green fur like a carpet of moss, ripping a muzzle from its face. It roars to the sky but I can barely hear it over the blood pounding drum. I can't do this. I don't know how to do this. I panic.

"Raise it in front of you, steady with your left." Darcell instructs and I suddenly feel him beside me, hand on my elbow.

"Pull off safety here, like this," he says and I carefully scrape the switch, fighting my shakes.

"And sight along your arm." Darcell instructs. I look along my arm, past the black monstrosity and I see the bear shaped creature. I follow its lope across the open space, hunched over one side as if injured. I don't want to do this.

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